Nothing's changed

Nothing has changed much since this film was made, especially the Americans attitudes towards Arabs. In fact, that has gotten worse.

Life sucks, then you're reincarnated


Unfortunately, your statement is true. Arabs especially have it rough here in the US after 9/11. So sad.

And the Native Americans, which wasn't covered in the documentary: that's the one flaw I found with this great film.


it's a film about immigrants. why would native Americans be part of it?

I'm proud to say my poetry is only understood by that minority which is aware.


Americans attitudes towards Arabs
I thought about that when watching it because this was filmed many years before 9/11.
I give my respect to those who have earned it; to everyone else, I'm civil.


Today this film resonates more than ever since its release 30 years ago. With Trump's vociferous anti-immigration, anti-Muslim, anti-anything-foreign campaign, this film made it clear that indeed nothing's changed and perhaps even got much worse than 1986.
