Big Dumb Bohunk?!

Uh...little help?


The last time I watched this, a few years ago, I noticed that the poor love hungry college chick was Lolita Davidovich. She was hilarious. "That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. Wanna go to bed?" to a 15 (!!!) year old. She must have been pretty drunk.


In the end credits, i noticed that she is "Lolita David"...
Anyway, how about explaining to me what the hell a big dumb bohunk is or whatever it is she says...i had never heard it before this movie and have NEVER heard it anywhere else.


i also recall hearing the term "beau hunk" in sixteen candles.


Went to your link...
I'm not entirely convinced...i mean, i'm not convinced that is the entire explanation for its inclusion.
The subtitles spell it "bo hunk"...could be a mistake by whoever was making the subtitles if beau hunk was what they were going for in the original script.
Its STILL a strange thing to me...but it only adds another thing for me to like about the movie... :D

I don't remember beau hunk in 16 Candles, but will look for it next time i watch and check the subtitles, too...


Samantha's grandparents in 16 Candles refer to Ginny's fiance as an oily beau hunk. Long Duck Dong repeats that same phrase to Jake, something like "She's going a to the church to marry a oily beau hunk".

Jezebel! Flauntin' your flesh in temptation's raiment! You will burn. Oh, you will burn!


bo·hunk/ˈbōˌhəNGk/Noun1. An immigrant from central or southeastern Europe, esp. a laborer.
2. A rough or uncivilized person.
It's an unkind label, like "Cracker" for a poor white southerner.


What ivkelly said----I lived in a Polish neighborhood in the late 50's, and "bohunk" was indeed a derogatory name for Slavik people, as was "Pollack". Kind of like "redneck" for Southerners (and I ARE ONE!)


Oh, it's a slur. Classy.


I've never heard the term used in person, but then I'm from Dixie. I did hear the word used in "Sixteen Candles", another movie that was set in Chicago, IL. Apparently it's used in their region of the country.


I've heard it in several movies. Two examples that come quickest to mind:

In Sixteen Candles, Long Duk Dong tells Jake where Samantha is: "She at the church. She getting married to oily bohunk."

In Off Limits, Keith David tells the Military Police officers (played by Willem Dafoe & Gregory Hines) about the plan he's formulating: "..and in no way does it involve you two low-rank bohunk motherf---s."
