Robots or spaceships?

That's the question I've had on my mind since I saw this yesterday. They sure look and act like robots, sentient ones, at least. But that closeup of the father showed tiny little monorails and itty bitty lights floating around, almost like a miniature city. And both the parents look like they have portholes on their sides.



That's not at all far-fetched, given that mechanical devices are becoming more and more important in medicine.


Pre-historic Borg.


They can't be spaceships since they're an intelligent form of their own and they don't accommodate life forms.

тнe godѕ don'т lιĸe ιт wнen мorтalѕ play wιтн тнeιr тoyѕ.


there really High tech artificial life forms from the future. In my guess they must know the people there helping in the future it's kind of like Bill&Ted kinda thing but lest say there great grand kids built them and told them what happened to them back in 1987. So they come back in time and help them stop Carlos and rebuild the building so it's like in the old timeline they must have been so homeless Lacy won build New York out of like it is to day bad duty Corrupted etc see were i am going?

Bond James Bond


Those little things inside them are analogous to our red and white cells.


they are CYBernetic ORGanism, living machine, human are made of flesh, but are also machine, machine that can have doubts every 1/100th seconds, all our body function with oxygen and liquid to keep tissues alive and electricity to make muscle move and brain function,,, it's more complex than that but it's a short answer
