This Show Was The Bomb!

I must be one of the only people on this planet who remember this series. It had some of the finest writing of any show on TV at the time and a stellar cast to boot. It actually reminded me a lot of Thirtysomething. A Year In The Life should've lasted just as long...

Will some station please pick this up so I can stroll down memory lane once again...


I loved this show, too! I would also love to see this series again. Unfortunately since it only ran one season, I don't think any network would pick it up for that limited amount of shows. Nobody ever wants to suggest this, but maybe you could find it somewhere online to download? It really was a shame it didn't last longer and that not many people got to see it....


I also love this show.. Anyone how knows if its possible to buy on DVD?



that would be really great...


I have been searching for years in hopes that this would be released on DVD....


One of us needs to find out who has the rights to the show. Then we can bombard that company's web site with requests for the DVD to be put out, just like they're doing with Thirtysomething over at Capitol.

So start researching people...


I remember that it was produced by Universal TV. With Sarah Jessica's rise to fame you'd think that Lifetime or someone would pick it up.


It is.......Go to Buysellcommunity and look up Rare TV and Variety shows.


I would love to buy this show on DVD too. I remember watching it as a child and loved it! You must be able to purchase it on DVD somewhere. If you find a way, please let me know!


Go to Buysellcommunity and search Rare TV and Variety shows on the second page is A year in the life on DVD, Good luck.


Go to Buysellcommunity and search Rare TV and Variety shows on the second page is DVDs for A year in the life.


Yes, go to Buysellcommunity and search Rare TV and Variety show, there on the second page is A year in the life on DVD!


Your not. I loved it as well. Remember the scene with the father and the drifter son. Tears came to my eyes. Jeff, L.A.


Well, it looks like there may be 6 or 7 of us that still remember this show and have made an effort to search. I've been looking on the internet for it since 1999. If "Mana's Family" can be available to purchase, why can't this show be?

Television has yet to come out with as good a series about a family as this was.

Anyone remember the episode where Kay was attempting to cook dinner for Sam's dad and the milk dumped on the kitchen floor and she used her hair to mop the floor?

Remember the love scenes with Kay and Sam in the beginning?

I would be a very very happy girl if there was someway to get copies of all the episodes.


It was indeed. A wonderful show, cannot believe it was on 20 years ago. I remember in the original miniseries when the mother, played, I believe, by Eva Marie Saint, was killed in a car crash (on Christmas Eve?) how emotionally involved I was.

Honest officer, I had no clue that was illegal.....


You can and that is at Buysellcommunity then do a search on Rare TV and Variety shows. Yes I too remember the scene with the hair mopping!


Any scene with Morgan Stevens get my heart beating much faster, yes I thought that was so well done. I have the series being shipped with all the series on DVD!


I wonder why Trey Ames didn't continue as an actor....and Amanda Peterson.





I sent you an email. :)


I just found this board today and see that you may know where I can get this series.. if so please email me at [email protected]

thanks so much

i miss this show


Go to Buysellcommunity and search Rare TV and Variety shows, you will find the DVD on the second page.


When I was 14 or 15, I recorded the miniserires and every episode afterward, except the episode when Sunny (Amanda Peterson) loses her virginity.

I saw the episode in which Sunny lost her virginity. I believe they were playing U2 - "With or Without You" as the background music for it, weren't they ?




I remember this being the first show in my young adulthood that I fell head over heels for. It was superbly written with an awesome cast and it was critically acclaimed. Then the axe came! It took awhile for me to jump back into a show heart and soul for fear and frustration of getting my heart crushed. It happened again with Once & Again (`99-`02). Another excellent show - superbly written/awesome cast, only to be axed before it's time. And to top it off, they can't get their sh*t together to get the third and final season on DVD. (I'm done ranting!!)


Agreed. Subperb acting and storylines. Should have had a MUCH longer run.


A wonderful show. I hated that they did not let it continue. I loved the characters and the storylines. I especially loved the one scene where the grandfather hugged his granddaughter Sunny at the end of an episode to let her know she was loved.
