no 'nights'???

Just watched the Sonny Steelgrave arc on the recollection of the last scene very definitely included "Nights in White Satin"...the dvd has Sonny do "True Love" by the Rascals, and the scene completely lacked its original intensity.
What did they do? Were the rights to "Nights" terminated, and another alternate ending put in its place? Is my memory just shot?
Can anyone help me here?


Yeah it does suck.

The rights to the original music is way too expensive for the publishing companies that are releasing these series on DVD. If they purchased the original music, it would reflect in the price of the DVD.

Well; it ain't gonna suck itself!


Yeah i think that suxs to but im glad wiseguy is on dvd


Sonny's "True Love" solo is still intact, but "Nights in White Satin" originally played after Sonny and Vinnie's big fight scene, when the men are sitting and nursing their wounds (and mourning their friendship). That music has been changed, like much of the "Wiseguy" music on DVD, due to licensing hassles. (*Trivia* a shot of Vinnie during the original "Nights" scene -- with black eye and bloodied face -- was shown in the opening credits during most of the show's run.)


Nights in White Satin was a big part in making that final scene so memorable.... I just found out it wasn't on the DVD after ordering it... :(

But the scene itself is still on the DVD right? Just with different music, or no music at all?

Please tell me they didn't cut the scene completely...??


You are right: Nights in White Satin was definitely there. I will watch this weekend and report back....


Thank you!! I kept telling my husband (who missed the series when it originally aired due to military service) about the music in this last scene and then...????WHERE IS NIGHTS IN WHITE SATIN???? I thought I'd completely lost it!! And you're right: the intensity has been lost. It's still a good scene though.


After watching the DVD I'm thankful I still have the original scene on video tape, which I went back to re-watch. The newly added music is horrible and does nothing to highten the emotions of the scene, but I guess we should be happy they kept it in the DVD.

Actually, it's also great when it's played again (in the original), after Frank takes Vinnie out and hands him over to the cops, and says "we're all done here" it goes to Vinnie's face in slow motion and the song goes "AND I LOVE YOU, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOW I LOVE YOU ..." and fade to black.
