UK screening

It's one of the great errors of UK terrestrial tv not to have picked up Wiseguy when Sky had done with it. Bravo turned it down because their md "didn't like it" and the rights ended up with the long gone and not much missed Family Channel. I dread to think what they would've done with it.
Only the 1996 movie has appeared on UK terrestrial and the chances of the series ever turning up appear to be slim. What a waste.

England Prevails


I didn't know any of it had been screened in UK. Why don't extra terrestrial show it again for those who missed it? Supranos is on every 2 minutes. Yes it's very good, but hey, I wanna see the gorgeous Ken Wahl in one of his most acclaimed roles. (He was also great in The Wanderers).

Well, I have ordered Series 1 on DVD, but they could save me the money for the rest of the series!!



The entire series, including the Miami-based version with Steven Bauer, was shown in about 1990 on Sky One but never again. Criminal.

England Prevails


the entire show from start to finish was on rte in ireland, irish version of bbc, back in the day, can't seem to find it now, pity.

"opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one," Harry Callahan S.F.P.D.
