MovieChat Forums > Wiseguy (1987) Discussion > This show would have been perfect for to...

This show would have been perfect for today's cable TV

This series was a dozen years before its time. The story arc concept used on "Wiseguy" would have been absolutely perfect for the present-day cable television shooting schedule. I can picture Tony Soprano and crew rubbing elbows with Sonny Steelgrave. It would have been interesting to see Vinnie Terranova infiltrate the Sopranos. "Wiseguy" would be the ideal series to run on cable. Network television series in the 1980s did not use the arc format very often, while today many cable series have arcs. Arcs have a clear chronology, while episodic television is interchangable. If you miss an episode, you wouldn't be lost, since each episode is an individual story and not a component of an arc. If "Wiseguy" was revived for cable today, do you think it would work?


It was a good show. I enjoyed it.


Well, the show was pretty unique at the time with its' season-long story arcs. Also, there's talks of rebooting the show.


I've thought that many times.


The show was epic already, but had it been a cable series, it would have worked even better then it did as a network show. Either way I love the show & was overjoyed when I found the DVD set priced very affordably.. I was bummed out that the Dead Dog story arc was missing... but I already know lots about music licensing so it sort of made sense to me..


Especially now with everyone binge watching television series, the shows with the most buzz have season long story arcs, Breaking Bad, Dexter etc.
