
I just thought about it everyone. How repetitive is it going to be that Chiller keeps showing the same 5 episodes over and over and over and ov.............. u would think after a while ppl are going to get sick of seing the same 5 episodes no matter how much they liked the series. I personally like the series from what I've seen but i've just seen two episodes I'm almost halfway through the series already! Lol


Actually this is the first time that I've seen the series and am glad that I've found more info on it. When catching up on series sometimes it is helpful to repeat them so those (like me) who haven't seen them can catch up when their schedules permit. Also, sometimes you will pick up on things you missed the first time. Just my two bits worth :)


They're showing more episodes, but not in the order according to the list under season 1. Doesn't really matter though, since they each stand alone. But Chiller still hasn't shown the 2 hour pilot yet, which is kind of important.


i just wanna make sure, but the show only lasted a few episodes right? that's what i mean when i say the keep showing the same few episodes. i'm saying how much can they show the same few episodes.


Twenty-nine episodes, total, including the pilot, before Fox went and canceled it. FOOLS!!!


Looks like Chiller's going to stop airing it- can't find it scheduled anywhere on their website, though they still have it listed in their series list. Maybe its on hiatus?


Hi, Could you remember what order Chiller played the episodes in? I find it highly interesting how different channels screen tv series then and now!
Shut the door, Mary
