MovieChat Forums > Watching (1987) Discussion > One of the best ITV sitcoms?

One of the best ITV sitcoms?

I realise that "great ITV sitcom" may be an oxymoron to most people, but I definitely think that "Watching" fits into this category (Whoops Apocalypse also springs to mind).

Emma Wray was an absolute delight in this show, I have no idea why she dissapeared from our screens. Where are you Emma?! Paul Bown, who played Malcolm was also wonderfully drippy on this show.


I loved Watching, me and my mum used to watch it on a Sunday afternoon, Plus repeat on and off almost every summer, I kept forgetting to tape it though !!


I managed to see some Watching episodes, and I must admit they're absolutely great. I can't, off-hand, think of any sitcom that comes near it. Not even 'Allo 'Allo, in my opinion.

On a different note: Emma is ok, and around, although not acting but involved in writing (at the moment).


Watching is definately ITVS best comedy (along with Second Thoughts). I was mega annoyed when ITV brought Granada Plus as it meant the loss of Watching, Ever Decreasing Circles and other gems they showed.With it being ITV's 50th this year they may consider releasing it on dvd. (Highly doubtful though)


I was quite young when it was originally aired but I remember loving the show. I used to even watch the repeats on Granada. However, I was quite disappointed when the channel became defunct. I used to know the theme tune off by heart, can still remember it a bit now:
It was boredom at first sight, you couldn't have called him bright...
can't remember the rest of it though. It had something to do with Malcolm being a 14-carot wimp. And didn't it end with:
The question should be...what does he...see in me?



continuin the theme.....
.....but then i'm not so ideal
i'm not gentle or gentile
so they question should be what does he
see in me?


Have a look at .. :-D


(another bit- can't remember what goes inbetween)

But then I'm not blessed with charm
I bring chaos where there was calm
So the question should be what does he
see in me?


It was boredom at first sight
You could hardly call him bright
He's no one's Mr Right
So what do I see in him?

But then I'm not so ideal
I'm not gentle
Or gentile
So the question should be what does he
See in me?


Have I fallen in his spell?
Does he drown me in Chanel?
Is he vibrant? Is he hell!
So what do I see in him?

Am I dazzled by his style?
Has he made my life worthwhile?
Does he melt me with his smile?
Don't make me laugh!

Every inch of him is limp
He's 14 carat wimp
I would rather have a chimp
As my other half

But then I'm not blessed with charm
I bring chaos where there was calm
So the question should be
What does he
See in me?

I remember watching this when it came out in 1987 (I was 8 yrs old) and I loved it then, but seeing it on DVD now makes me realise just what true genius it is. Everyone has their own distinct character - a far cry from today's sitcom formula of an endless stream of one-liners - and the script was superb. I nearly fall off the sofa laughing each time Oswald from the cafe is in it - he's the best character in it!

Look out for the complete 7-series boxset coming out in November!


Don't get me wrong I LOVE Watching (Emma where are you now?) but it was probably ITV's 2nd best sitcom of all time - who can forget Rising Damp - that was brill!


i loved this show when i was younger, my sister and i used to watch it every sinday. and when he married lucinda we were screaming in frustration

Thunderbirds Aren't Slow


ITV have, in my opinion, only ever made 3 truly great sitcoms - Rising Damp, New Statesman and of course Watching.

It seems strange to me that Watching doesn't get aired on satellite when the other 2 are shown on constant rotation.


About ten years earlier there was "Man about the house", another British sitcom, just as good as Watching. Check it out:

What if this is as good as it gets?
