anyone else remember this?

I remember one skit from this show very well: Tracey and the others are all waiting for a bus. Its early in the morning and everyone looks grumpy, as if they are all on their way to work. She starts singing "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" and people keep joining in til everyone at the bus stops is singing and dancing around. Eventually the bus comes and, singing they all get on the bus happy to be going to work. Tracey and her accomplice stay behind. Once the bus pulls away, they pull out all the wallets and stuff they stole off the other people waiting. If anyone knows where to find a video of this, let me know, will ya?

Good luck exploring the infinite abyss.


Check youtube - I saw that song title come up in my tracey ullman search there, so that's probably it.



Dude, they were asking for actual Tracy Ullman Show shorts NOT Simpson shorts.


Classic!!! I'm the football team waterboy. My nickname is H 2 Ho.


I totally remember that episode. In fact, I've been looking for that, and possibly the whole show. It would be great to find it!


The only non-Simpsons sketch I remember is one in which a police officer pulls a woman suspected of drunk driving over, and though the field sorbiety test tasks get increasingly, outrageously harder, she passes them all. The police officer then gives her an easy task and she says "Okay, I'm drunk."

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


I remember the show, but I don't remember anything about it other than the theme song, The Simpsons shorts, the fact that she used to dress up as a male character once in awhile and her yelling, "Go home!" at the audience at the end of the episode.
