Did Picard really want Lawaxanna?

I know it was always running gag on the show but did you ever wonder if she was telling the truth about his lustful feelings towards her?

I tell you what.


I didn't wonder, because I thought it was clear she was telling the truth.


I think he wanted her.
Why would he not?
She was pretty.

we need more diversity in sports. Where are the short, fat Asians!


He may have found her looks appealing, but not her personality.


I'll agree with that, Seldon.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


Pretty much. But I think by the end he probably considered her to be a friend though a somewhat annoying friend. Like in "Dark Page" he preferred that they had finished their conversation earlier and yet his respect and admiration for her had already highly increased in the previous "Half a Life".


No. You don't need to be a telepath to know that Picard was not the least bit attracted to this harridan.

Lwaxana Troi may not necessarily be physically ugly, but she behaves like a complete lout. I feel sorry for Ian Troi, the man she married (under threat of black-mail, no doubt), and I believe he committed suicide rather than be enslaved to this creature. Wait, you say, Deanna said that her father adored her mother. I'm sure he adored her the same way all the folks in the missing town of Peaksville, Ohio all sure do love Anthony! Isn't he swell! Think good thoughts about Anthony folks! He's a nice boy! You don't want to be wished away into the corn field, do you? Because that's where everyone that's bad goes!

(In case you didn't get that last reference, watch the Twilight Zone episode "It's a Good Life.")

Every time she shows up on the Enterprise, Picard ought to make a formal complaint about her behavior to Starfleet and the Federation Council. She's obnoxious, rude, and a complete jack-ass. She has no respect for anyone else's authority or responsibilities. She uses the Enterprise as if it's her own damn personal yacht on the pretext that her daughter serves; on that basis alone I'd have immediately had Deanna transferred anywhere (Starfleet HQ would be funny).


I think in the first episode they meet he could be attracted to her.
He didn't Know her before, so I saw this as a possibility certainly.
Sure after he got to know her better maybe he wasn't as attracted to her.

we need more diversity in sports. Where are the short, fat Asians!


But it was fun watching him squirm at the end of 'Menage a Troi'.


I think he was being a little generous, but it's possible. As soon as she opens her gob, however, any possible attraction Picard may have had would quickly evaporate. Maybe if he were drunk or stoned enough, he might be more interested.

Because character matters in anyone. Charm, style, grace, generosity, courtesy, and wit all matter. Troi has none of that. What she has is her telepathy, and she wields it like a shield and a sword. And there is authority that comes from that power; just a word alone, true or otherwise, can wreck someone's reputation, if even for a short while. I think she probably does things like that to shield her own persona from the fact that only her daughter likes her. Personally, I think she's a psychopath.


Maybe if he were drunk or stoned enough, he might be more interested.

Nah, every time he's drunk he makes a beeline for Beverly.


No ,she was only kidding with him trying to get Picard to loose his cool,she probably wants him and was trying to provoke him.And besides that Picard has a rash for the Vash.


No. She was just trolling him.

He'd be thought of as a liar if he denied it and he can't prove that she was lying.


She wasn't all bad. Man, Wylde was really going on about her. That episode with David Ogden Stiers, the name escapes me at the...Half A Life, was fantastic.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


Hey, I do like her.


She's okay. I certainly don't despise her by any means.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


I really like this theory but it's hard to have a definitive answer.

I think the strongest indications he does was in "Manhunt" where he is so thankful to Data for getting him away from the dinner (as if something would have definitely happened otherwise) and then at the end where he looks embarrassed at her reading his thoughts as if they were accurate.


She is a attractive, no doubt about it. Who wouldn't be attracted to her.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.
