Riker slammed all the girls

He was literally just cruising round world to world, leading the away teams and slaying tang in the name of "intergalactic deplomacy" lol(s1: ep13)


He's a bigger womaniser than kirk ever was.


And yet, he married (and without the shotgun).


...and don't forget about some of the boys, too!!!


You need help man . 


What, do you consider Soren... "it"???

You're just jealous that he didn't wanna slam your mom...

(he left your mommy all for you, he didn't wanna cock block that action of yours!)

But you were hoping for a lil Riker action yourself!!!


That's the second time I've seen Toly go after your mother, Nex. What's his deal?

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


That's usually the behaviour of people with a limited vocabulary and limited mental capacities CJ when they can't win an argument they start spouting abusive language.


It's not right.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


That's the IMDB message boards for ya CJ,common decency is hard thing to find I guess. 


That's the IMDB message boards for ya CJ,common decency is hard thing to find I guess.

Go to the politics board, it's really polite over there.



yeah. it's even worse on the soapbox. with politics people can at least back up their thoughts and views. on the soapbox it is every man for himself and usually with a 'sexual deviant' accusation.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


Especially those discussing Trump vs Clinton I presume Nak? 


Well, how could you be decent in that debate - neither is a decent candidate...


They are the only candidates we have.
It's like which is better plain or peanut M&Ms.
Both bad.


More like peanut or almond M&M's - they're both nuts!


Almonds are nuts.

Peanuts are in fact legumes.


I don't think Riker slammed both Crusher or Pulaski while he was on the Enterprise. Ha ha.


Nice, Seldon. And plain M&M's are phenomenal, Nak. Are you nuts?

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


They are the only candidates we have.
It's like which is better plain or peanut M&Ms.
Both bad.

It's a choice between turd sandwich and a giant vaginal douche to use another South Park metaphore. 


giant vaginal douche

I find it interesting that you clarified "vaginal".

Usually the only people who are certain to clarify...

are the ones who are into anal douching.


I just that South Park, Nex. Lol. Hilarious.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.




I meant saw that South Park.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


It seems Toly does not like you very much!😀



I know Nak ,can't for the love of god imagine why though? 


I never saw anything happen.
I think that makes it more funny!😀😀



Neither do I Nak I don't know what got his knickers in a twist, guess he didn't like that I didn't agree with him that Conspiracy was non-canon. 


NOBODY agreed with him on that!!!
Then everyone started spoofing on "canon" this and "canon" that.

I think before he said he either drinks or has medication or something like that.
Maybe it's just like Toly, dark or Toly, light.



NOBODY agreed with him on that!!!
Then everyone started spoofing on "canon" this and "canon" that.

Let's for the sake of making things not any more complicated than they are by stating that Tolyn is non-canon. 

I think before he said he either drinks or has medication or something like that.
Maybe it's just like Toly, dark or Toly, light.

You mean to say we have another guy who takes the wrong pills (Eye) Nak? Damn okay let's make sure;
-Eye must take the RED pills
-Tolyn must take the BLUE pills 💊
Got it guys? 


Got it, Nex.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


Hope that Eye and Tolyn get it as well that would make me a happy camper. 🚙⛺🙌


Well, Toly, anyway. Eye is relatively harmless. It's Toly that's been mean to you, lately.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


I have no problems with Eye whatsoever or Tolyn for that matter he just acts a bit goofy.


you guys are still on that?

The writers of TNG themselves don't consider Conspiracy canon. Already went over that.

To be fair to the writers, the show had no direction at that point. I can see why they had so many leave over it all.

Ferengi were supposed to be the big, bad adversaries. It's ridiculous in hindsight. (Actually, give credit where credit is due, DS9 actually got the Ferengi right. Then again, a broken watch it right twice a day, so... don't give DS9 too much credit for that)

Somehow the Borg turned into the Crystalline entity (or vice versa). They had no direction on the Borg.

Conspiracy... had no impact on the entire rest of the series... with the EXCEPTION of the one episode where it had the chance to shine, but suddenly it then also was almost forgotten about, only used as an explanation for an Admiral's paranoia...

No, I don't take any medication. Nope, I don't drink. Unlike the typical Irish/Scott/Brit, I'm not an alcoholic.

I'm also not a pedo, like your friend The Traveler. (he was obviously based upon the typical family man of the UK)

But, having lived there... I absolutely despise the people there. And I've already said that before.

You're just not a very bright fellow.

Hitler was a good start. Too bad he was stopped before he could lay waste proper to good ol' England.

Now Churchill... there's a real alcoholic for you. Berating the USA for not helping. When the Nazis were only doing to the Brits what the Brits had done to the Red Man of "New England".

British cowards.

But, this is a TNG board. Too bad you don't watch TNG, so can't comment on it, eh???

You're a Brit and a troll, Nexie-boy.

BTW - where's BJ???


Nex is NOT a troll.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


Conspiracy was referred to twice ;
1)In a sped up videolog Data is viewing in one of the early episodes of season two.
2)It's referred to by Picard in his log in Drumhead.
So... therefore it is canon whatever those writers may think or wanted to try it is referred to in two later episodes so writers or no writers it is and forever shall remain canon,they need to watch their own show more then they would know these things.

No you couldn't be more wrong I am NOT British(whatever gave you that idea?) 


But, this is a TNG board. Too bad you don't watch TNG, so can't comment on it, eh???

Far from the truth Tolyn I own the series on DVD(The complete series that is also have TOS and ENT and ALL the Trek movies) and I watch all of them on regular basis and read countless articles,interviews,documentaries etc about Trek so I think I have quite a lot of knowledge about those three shows.

And keep that mad Austrian painter out of the discussions please I had a grandfather who fought the Germans in our country's brief but fierce period of resistance(he actually whooped some German a$$) he also spend three years in a German camp in the Czech Republic where he witnessed the worst of humanity since there were also Russian and Jewish prisoners there,he eventually escaped during the last moths of the War and spend the remainder of the war in hiding.Also my father witnessed the bombing of Rotterdam and had to survive the Hunger Winter of '44-'45 So please think before making very stupid remarks about Hitler being on the right track when you have never witnessed or have gone through these circumstances yourself,because it shows that actually YOU are not the brightest light here.


He's been making nothing but stupid remarks lately, Nex.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.
