MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) Discussion > Captain's Log 3: The Prequel Continued

Captain's Log 3: The Prequel Continued

Since someone at IMDB apparently thought Nexus71's thread had gotten too long and stopped allowing replies on it, I did this. The post count from the old thread just hit 600. 650, here we come! If you think of it, please place a number on your reply so we can keep an accurate count.

Before Riker became captain Wesley farted vast amounts of Klingon fragrances and stuff. Worf, however, was intrigued by Counselor Troi's ample bosom and wondered,"Boy,I´d like Feel those shoulder Paddings¨.

Picard decided upon Chicken a-la-king, eating it with his fingers, and thought about Aldebaran Whisky dripping down glorious fountains. His combadge alerted him that Kamala was near and Lwaxana senses confusion while slurping her chicken-a-la-king with noodles.

Just then Q appeared wearing lederhosen singing Bavarian folk songs while drinking a goblet full of crisp, clean Altair water. His intentions were not as clear as usual As Jean Luc noticed Q and offered Q assistance which amused Q.

Meanwhile Geordi, barely recognizable was Riker's anbo-jyutsu partner at which Geordie was quite skilled after a couple of Guinness beers and training. Fireworks exploded causing massive national pride among the mindless drones deployed by the Borg who were attempting to regain some much needed shore leave using butt plugs in view of other sentient species.

Data noticed the Pakleds were trying to create tachyon fields by vomiting omicron particles into the plasma manifold which caused a Time-warp that transported them back to 1536,to witness King Henry VIII behead Anne Boleyn and marry Jane Seymour,who was not destined to be a Section 31 agent.

Simultaneously Beverly And Pulaski gnashed horns over a disputed claim in which two patients on morphine got together to recreate a new human centipede.

When suddenly Data appears, eating some crisps while Geordi said, "Can I have some?"

Data answered, "Sure Geordi, but first you must kick Q".

But Q used his powers to gradually turn into a non-corporeal life-form which caused Geordi to almost choke on a Pizza roll.Data intervened by cleverly disguising as Amanda Rogers by using holographic projectors and perfume Q was so turned-on he completely and utterly forgot about his lederhosen and Geordi just couldn't believe his ocular implants that Q had such pants and asked Q where he got those?
Worf funnily replied from behind the dustbin,to exclaim loudly "the Salvation-Army".Q turned and replied "Kill Me before I go away and save hundreds of people listening to Worf's bad jokes".

Annoyed by incessant heckling Wesley decided immediately to pack his own lunchbox and decided on crepes suzette with salad on the side "Mmmm this tastes like chicken.All Q wanted was the opportunity to eat a chicken curry souffle with an ale.

In Ten-forward Guinan was acting quite strange as she was being watched while bathing ,when suddenly giant snowflakes fell from the wormhole that appeared above the port nacelle that wreaked havoc with the WRS (water reclamation system) causing Guinan to jump Geordi, who was flabbergasted beyond resistance by Guinan's bad breath and love-handles.Suddenly, Barclay stepped out on Geordi's Birthday party from The Guardian Of Forever.

Meanwhile on the hangar deck Ensign Ro was surprised to smell fresh hasperat in Riker's quarters and was inspired to make her famous Partha La Uta and some Romulan Ale to wash her lingerie with and bathe Riker.

Suddenly Troi asked if it was invitation only or free admission for Starfleet personnel with curves and skin-tight hair extensions and mullets.Ro replied;"Do we need all of these rules for multi-partner procreation?".Troi replied; "Of course not you Maquis-loving Bajoran it only applies to series regulars."

Just then,Lwaxana walked straight into the Captain's quarters right into Vash and Tasha's ghost who were very aroused by a naked Data who was watching "Terminator" and lubricating his phallus and servo-motors while planning the shifts of androids assisting him. Data said,"I need Four shifts to get one android ".

Gul Madred offered Picard four bars of chocolate but Picard refused to take less than five,and finally,Gul Madred was able to see that Picard was bluffing when all his inhibitions went out of the torpedo tube and was seen orbiting the planet Labia Majora.Picard however ordered a volley of photon-torpedo´s aimed at the Cardassian craft.The Cardassian anticipated that maneuver and deployed a tachyon-pulse generator(or tachyon pulse-generator)to neutralise future-Picard's meddling.

When Worf,fresh from eating Gagh entered the coordinates for the rendez-vous inside the Nebula, when Dr Pulaski noticed a horta in in heat with silicon.Worf's pocket was filled with a pained howl to the show's director what he resented and took it up with captain Picard but he dismissed his own prejudices and agreed to admit to round up those usual suspects.

While this is happening a fleet of untrained Borg cubes assembled to assimilate a mirror at a nearby starbase,captain Jellico ordered a T-bone steak with a bottle of Blood Wine confiscated from shady Ferengi ballet dancers with spandex and the Kremlin called out "Heere, Out, heeere, boy..." there far far away in space.

Q heard a faint giggle from Guinan who then put a sleeping pill in his morning tea and crumpets.After which no one saw him ever again until one angry Vulcan named Spork purchased a mind melting device that inexplicably somehow worked on Picard's Robin-Hood-tights.

Miles O'Brien was astounded by the technical wizardry of the Vulcan Association and tried unsuccessfully to obtain some unobtanium and advanced technology ,so that he could complete his secret plan which would enable him to discover the Fountain Of Youth.

When Pulaski missed her dinner date with Kyle Riker who promised his famous chipotle dish,she unflinchingly ate without checking her temperature or glucose levels.

Meanwhile some ancient astronaut theorists were ridiculed and discredited by sarek from beyond the ancient Vulcan netherland of Vulcanvania hoever the end came and Sarek unaware of temporal displacements and recent developments wanted to perform Fal-Tor-Pan but his son Spock wanted to prevent this in order to stop his mother's turning into A Dauphin-like bug-eyed sloth.

When suddenly Barclay intervened "Lt. Commander, may I suggest you put the isolinear-chips back in the slot",where the engineer took them out and replaced them with new ones".Geordi then erased all of Riker's personal logs containing a very embarrassing amount of sad stories about Alaskan bikini girls getting their rocks off without using their hands and resorting to appliances.

when all the Cylons came storming out of the bathroom,Dr.Bashir who took up the mantle of CMO and ordered a set of hypo-sprays to establish a perimeter of defense so they can protect the Nanites quickly realised they were being tricked into doing the Macarena.Picard heard voices saying; "Kill them!" .

Worf asked what was all the noise about,Geordi replied that he was clueless where it came from and investigated 7 of 9's panties for ladders to climb into 7 of 9's cockpit and surprise her with his torpedo

causing laughter among nanites and 7 of 9 because she'd seen bigger torpedos in Riker's porn collection. Unfortunately, he deleted most of the offending files which have been part artform, part documentary about reproduction and abstinence from interspecies rituals. At that exact time, Tasha Yar appeared on the scene and told Worf that she wants his expert opinion regarding those porn videos. Worf replied, "They're lightweights compared to the brothels on Kronos."

Yar replied, "I'd like to point

a phaser


Thanks Jet that was a clever idea 

at Neelix



who panicked

If you see exactly what to do don't tell ME! I'm just a singer in a rock&roll band!


because he

congratulations on being the 600th poster Jet 🎉🎊🎈🎆


Thanks, Nex.   🎸


didn't know

If you see exactly what to do don't tell ME! I'm just a singer in a rock&roll band!


the phaser



was a toy.

If you see exactly what to do don't tell ME! I'm just a singer in a rock&roll band!


Worf laughed



and gave

If you see exactly what to do don't tell ME! I'm just a singer in a rock&roll band!


the toy phaser



to Alexander

If you see exactly what to do don't tell ME! I'm just a singer in a rock&roll band!


so he



could pretend

If you see exactly what to do don't tell ME! I'm just a singer in a rock&roll band!




could pretend to be



a tribble hunter.

If you see exactly what to do don't tell ME! I'm just a singer in a rock&roll band!



Meanwhile, Guinan

we need more diversity in sports!


was preparing


to fight

If you see exactly what to do don't tell ME! I'm just a singer in a rock&roll band!


off a



Ferengi that...

RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


was smuggling


Some Corlean..

RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


table lamps


that were

If you see exactly what to do don't tell ME! I'm just a singer in a rock&roll band!


thought to


be alive.

If you see exactly what to do don't tell ME! I'm just a singer in a rock&roll band!



Picard however



asked them

If you see exactly what to do don't tell ME! I'm just a singer in a rock&roll band!


if they



had ever

If you see exactly what to do don't tell ME! I'm just a singer in a rock&roll band!


heard of




"Tea, hot,

we need more diversity in sports. Where are the short, fat Asians!


Earl Grey



They responded

we need more diversity in sports. Where are the short, fat Asians!


that they




Have and..

RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


tasted some


And thoroughly...

RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


disliked the



bitter aftertaste.


Picard explained



that a


dash of


Nutmeg to...

RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


relieve toothaches


(Clove, clove is for tooth aches) 🙄
added to

we need more diversity in sports. Where are the short, fat Asians!


Nutmeg if taken in large quantities acts as an hallucinogenic much stronger than LSD,PCP,mescaline,XTC or any other hallucinogenic substances.... 

lemon juice



would improve


the flavour



according to


the Bartender's Almanac



of Amsterdam.


Wesley argued

#650 🎉🎊🎈🎆🎶🍻🍸🍹🍷🍕🍔🍟🎂


that prune juice


with a



Dash of...

RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


fresh ground


chipotle to



Summon the...

RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.



bowel movement



To ensure....

RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


A thorough...

RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


colon cleansing


especially after


eating gagh

If you see exactly what to do don't tell ME! I'm just a singer in a rock&roll band!


and Pipius claw


a la mode.


It was .....

RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


the story so far...

Before Riker became captain Wesley farted vast amounts of Klingon fragrances and stuff. Worf, however, was intrigued by Counselor Troi's ample bosom and wondered,"Boy,I´d like Feel those shoulder Paddings¨.

Picard decided upon Chicken a-la-king, eating it with his fingers, and thought about Aldebaran Whisky dripping down glorious fountains. His combadge alerted him that Kamala was near and Lwaxana senses confusion while slurping her chicken-a-la-king with noodles.

Just then Q appeared wearing lederhosen singing Bavarian folk songs while drinking a goblet full of crisp, clean Altair water. His intentions were not as clear as usual As Jean Luc noticed Q and offered Q assistance which amused Q.

Meanwhile Geordi, barely recognizable was Riker's anbo-jyutsu partner at which Geordie was quite skilled after a couple of Guinness beers and training. Fireworks exploded causing massive national pride among the mindless drones deployed by the Borg who were attempting to regain some much needed shore leave using butt plugs in view of other sentient species.

Data noticed the Pakleds were trying to create tachyon fields by vomiting omicron particles into the plasma manifold which caused a Time-warp that transported them back to 1536,to witness King Henry VIII behead Anne Boleyn and marry Jane Seymour,who was not destined to be a Section 31 agent.

Simultaneously Beverly And Pulaski gnashed horns over a disputed claim in which two patients on morphine got together to recreate a new human centipede.

When suddenly Data appears, eating some crisps while Geordi said, "Can I have some?"

Data answered, "Sure Geordi, but first you must kick Q".

But Q used his powers to gradually turn into a non-corporeal life-form which caused Geordi to almost choke on a Pizza roll.Data intervened by cleverly disguising as Amanda Rogers by using holographic projectors and perfume Q was so turned-on he completely and utterly forgot about his lederhosen and Geordi just couldn't believe his ocular implants that Q had such pants and asked Q where he got those?
Worf funnily replied from behind the dustbin,to exclaim loudly "the Salvation-Army".Q turned and replied "Kill Me before I go away and save hundreds of people listening to Worf's bad jokes".

Annoyed by incessant heckling Wesley decided immediately to pack his own lunchbox and decided on crepes suzette with salad on the side "Mmmm this tastes like chicken.All Q wanted was the opportunity to eat a chicken curry souffle with an ale.

In Ten-forward Guinan was acting quite strange as she was being watched while bathing ,when suddenly giant snowflakes fell from the wormhole that appeared above the port nacelle that wreaked havoc with the WRS (water reclamation system) causing Guinan to jump Geordi, who was flabbergasted beyond resistance by Guinan's bad breath and love-handles.Suddenly, Barclay stepped out on Geordi's Birthday party from The Guardian Of Forever.

Meanwhile on the hangar deck Ensign Ro was surprised to smell fresh hasperat in Riker's quarters and was inspired to make her famous Partha La Uta and some Romulan Ale to wash her lingerie with and bathe Riker.

Suddenly Troi asked if it was invitation only or free admission for Starfleet personnel with curves and skin-tight hair extensions and mullets.Ro replied;"Do we need all of these rules for multi-partner procreation?".Troi replied; "Of course not you Maquis-loving Bajoran it only applies to series regulars."

Just then,Lwaxana walked straight into the Captain's quarters right into Vash and Tasha's ghost who were very aroused by a naked Data who was watching "Terminator" and lubricating his phallus and servo-motors while planning the shifts of androids assisting him. Data said,"I need Four shifts to get one android ".

Gul Madred offered Picard four bars of chocolate but Picard refused to take less than five,and finally,Gul Madred was able to see that Picard was bluffing when all his inhibitions went out of the torpedo tube and was seen orbiting the planet Labia Majora.Picard however ordered a volley of photon-torpedo´s aimed at the Cardassian craft.The Cardassian anticipated that maneuver and deployed a tachyon-pulse generator(or tachyon pulse-generator)to neutralise future-Picard's meddling.

When Worf,fresh from eating Gagh entered the coordinates for the rendez-vous inside the Nebula, when Dr Pulaski noticed a horta in in heat with silicon.Worf's pocket was filled with a pained howl to the show's director what he resented and took it up with captain Picard but he dismissed his own prejudices and agreed to admit to round up those usual suspects.

While this is happening a fleet of untrained Borg cubes assembled to assimilate a mirror at a nearby starbase,captain Jellico ordered a T-bone steak with a bottle of Blood Wine confiscated from shady Ferengi ballet dancers with spandex and the Kremlin called out "Heere, Out, heeere, boy..." there far far away in space.

Q heard a faint giggle from Guinan who then put a sleeping pill in his morning tea and crumpets.After which no one saw him ever again until one angry Vulcan named Spork purchased a mind melting device that inexplicably somehow worked on Picard's Robin-Hood-tights.

Miles O'Brien was astounded by the technical wizardry of the Vulcan Association and tried unsuccessfully to obtain some unobtanium and advanced technology ,so that he could complete his secret plan which would enable him to discover the Fountain Of Youth.

When Pulaski missed her dinner date with Kyle Riker who promised his famous chipotle dish,she unflinchingly ate without checking her temperature or glucose levels.

Meanwhile some ancient astronaut theorists were ridiculed and discredited by sarek from beyond the ancient Vulcan netherland of Vulcanvania hoever the end came and Sarek unaware of temporal displacements and recent developments wanted to perform Fal-Tor-Pan but his son Spock wanted to prevent this in order to stop his mother's turning into A Dauphin-like bug-eyed sloth.

When suddenly Barclay intervened "Lt. Commander, may I suggest you put the isolinear-chips back in the slot",where the engineer took them out and replaced them with new ones".Geordi then erased all of Riker's personal logs containing a very embarrassing amount of sad stories about Alaskan bikini girls getting their rocks off without using their hands and resorting to appliances.

when all the Cylons came storming out of the bathroom,Dr.Bashir who took up the mantle of CMO and ordered a set of hypo-sprays to establish a perimeter of defense so they can protect the Nanites quickly realised they were being tricked into doing the Macarena.Picard heard voices saying; "Kill them!" .

Worf asked what was all the noise about,Geordi replied that he was clueless where it came from and investigated 7 of 9's panties for ladders to climb into 7 of 9's cockpit and surprise her with his torpedo

causing laughter among nanites and 7 of 9 because she'd seen bigger torpedos in Riker's porn collection. Unfortunately, he deleted most of the offending files which have been part artform, part documentary about reproduction and abstinence from interspecies rituals. At that exact time, Tasha Yar appeared on the scene and told Worf that she wants his expert opinion regarding those porn videos. Worf replied, "They're lightweights compared to the brothels on Kronos."

Yar replied, "I'd like to point a phaser at Neelix who panicked because he didn't know the phaser was a toy.Worf laughed and gave the toy phaser to Alexander so he could pretend to be a Tribble hunter.

Meanwhile, Guinan was preparing to fight off a Ferengi was smuggling some Corlean table lamps that were thought to be alive.Picard however asked them if they had ever heard of tea,hot Earl Grey?They responded that they have and tasted some and thoroughly disliked the bitter aftertaste.Picard explained that a dash of nutmeg to relieve toothaches added to lemon juice would improve the flavour according the Bartender's Almanac of Amsterdam.Wesley argued that prune juice with a dash of fresh ground chipotle to summon the bowel movement to ensure a thorough colon cleansing,especially after eating Gagh and Pipius Claw à la mode.

It was...

perfectly clear

post #666 


that all


of Admiral Nechayev's



former lovers


were well


Groomed down...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


on the corner

If you see exactly what to do don't tell ME! I'm just a singer in a rock&roll band!


out in


the street (okay okay I get the C.C.R. hint)

# 674


in front


of the old Tavern



No no how does that even fit with Nechayev's former lovers? 


My bad. I deleted it.

If you see exactly what to do don't tell ME! I'm just a singer in a rock&roll band!


well it's not actually your post Jet but the ones that came before where things were getting off-topic my bad I should have seen this coming sooner.

time to re-edit I guess(what was written in red is something I added for the story to make sense);

Before Riker became captain Wesley farted vast amounts of Klingon fragrances and stuff. Worf, however, was intrigued by Counselor Troi's ample bosom and wondered,"Boy,I´d like Feel those shoulder Paddings¨.

Picard decided upon Chicken a-la-king, eating it with his fingers, and thought about Aldebaran Whisky dripping down glorious fountains. His combadge alerted him that Kamala was near and Lwaxana senses confusion while slurping her chicken-a-la-king with noodles.

Just then Q appeared wearing lederhosen singing Bavarian folk songs while drinking a goblet full of crisp, clean Altair water. His intentions were not as clear as usual As Jean Luc noticed Q and offered Q assistance which amused Q.

Meanwhile Geordi, barely recognizable was Riker's anbo-jyutsu partner at which Geordie was quite skilled after a couple of Guinness beers and training. Fireworks exploded causing massive national pride among the mindless drones deployed by the Borg who were attempting to regain some much needed shore leave using butt plugs in view of other sentient species.

Data noticed the Pakleds were trying to create tachyon fields by vomiting omicron particles into the plasma manifold which caused a Time-warp that transported them back to 1536,to witness King Henry VIII behead Anne Boleyn and marry Jane Seymour,who was not destined to be a Section 31 agent.

Simultaneously Beverly And Pulaski gnashed horns over a disputed claim in which two patients on morphine got together to recreate a new human centipede.

When suddenly Data appears, eating some crisps while Geordi said, "Can I have some?"

Data answered, "Sure Geordi, but first you must kick Q".

But Q used his powers to gradually turn into a non-corporeal life-form which caused Geordi to almost choke on a Pizza roll.Data intervened by cleverly disguising as Amanda Rogers by using holographic projectors and perfume Q was so turned-on he completely and utterly forgot about his lederhosen and Geordi just couldn't believe his ocular implants that Q had such pants and asked Q where he got those?
Worf funnily replied from behind the dustbin,to exclaim loudly "the Salvation-Army".Q turned and replied "Kill Me before I go away and save hundreds of people listening to Worf's bad jokes".

Annoyed by incessant heckling Wesley decided immediately to pack his own lunchbox and decided on crepes suzette with salad on the side "Mmmm this tastes like chicken.All Q wanted was the opportunity to eat a chicken curry souffle with an ale.

In Ten-forward Guinan was acting quite strange as she was being watched while bathing ,when suddenly giant snowflakes fell from the wormhole that appeared above the port nacelle that wreaked havoc with the WRS (water reclamation system) causing Guinan to jump Geordi, who was flabbergasted beyond resistance by Guinan's bad breath and love-handles.Suddenly, Barclay stepped out on Geordi's Birthday party from The Guardian Of Forever.

Meanwhile on the hangar deck Ensign Ro was surprised to smell fresh hasperat in Riker's quarters and was inspired to make her famous Partha La Uta and some Romulan Ale to wash her lingerie with and bathe Riker.

Suddenly Troi asked if it was invitation only or free admission for Starfleet personnel with curves and skin-tight hair extensions and mullets.Ro replied;"Do we need all of these rules for multi-partner procreation?".Troi replied; "Of course not you Maquis-loving Bajoran it only applies to series regulars."

Just then,Lwaxana walked straight into the Captain's quarters right into Vash and Tasha's ghost who were very aroused by a naked Data who was watching "Terminator" and lubricating his phallus and servo-motors while planning the shifts of androids assisting him. Data said,"I need Four shifts to get one android ".

Gul Madred offered Picard four bars of chocolate but Picard refused to take less than five,and finally,Gul Madred was able to see that Picard was bluffing when all his inhibitions went out of the torpedo tube and was seen orbiting the planet Labia Majora.Picard however ordered a volley of photon-torpedo´s aimed at the Cardassian craft.The Cardassian anticipated that maneuver and deployed a tachyon-pulse generator(or tachyon pulse-generator)to neutralise future-Picard's meddling.

When Worf,fresh from eating Gagh entered the coordinates for the rendez-vous inside the Nebula, when Dr Pulaski noticed a horta in in heat with silicon.Worf's pocket was filled with a pained howl to the show's director what he resented and took it up with captain Picard but he dismissed his own prejudices and agreed to admit to round up those usual suspects.

While this is happening a fleet of untrained Borg cubes assembled to assimilate a mirror at a nearby starbase,captain Jellico ordered a T-bone steak with a bottle of Blood Wine confiscated from shady Ferengi ballet dancers with spandex and the Kremlin called out "Heere, Out, heeere, boy..." there far far away in space.

Q heard a faint giggle from Guinan who then put a sleeping pill in his morning tea and crumpets.After which no one saw him ever again until one angry Vulcan named Spork purchased a mind melting device that inexplicably somehow worked on Picard's Robin-Hood-tights.

Miles O'Brien was astounded by the technical wizardry of the Vulcan Association and tried unsuccessfully to obtain some unobtanium and advanced technology ,so that he could complete his secret plan which would enable him to discover the Fountain Of Youth.

When Pulaski missed her dinner date with Kyle Riker who promised his famous chipotle dish,she unflinchingly ate without checking her temperature or glucose levels.

Meanwhile some ancient astronaut theorists were ridiculed and discredited by sarek from beyond the ancient Vulcan netherland of Vulcanvania hoever the end came and Sarek unaware of temporal displacements and recent developments wanted to perform Fal-Tor-Pan but his son Spock wanted to prevent this in order to stop his mother's turning into A Dauphin-like bug-eyed sloth.

When suddenly Barclay intervened "Lt. Commander, may I suggest you put the isolinear-chips back in the slot",where the engineer took them out and replaced them with new ones".Geordi then erased all of Riker's personal logs containing a very embarrassing amount of sad stories about Alaskan bikini girls getting their rocks off without using their hands and resorting to appliances.

when all the Cylons came storming out of the bathroom,Dr.Bashir who took up the mantle of CMO and ordered a set of hypo-sprays to establish a perimeter of defense so they can protect the Nanites quickly realised they were being tricked into doing the Macarena.Picard heard voices saying; "Kill them!" .

Worf asked what was all the noise about,Geordi replied that he was clueless where it came from and investigated 7 of 9's panties for ladders to climb into 7 of 9's cockpit and surprise her with his torpedo

causing laughter among nanites and 7 of 9 because she'd seen bigger torpedos in Riker's porn collection. Unfortunately, he deleted most of the offending files which have been part artform, part documentary about reproduction and abstinence from interspecies rituals. At that exact time, Tasha Yar appeared on the scene and told Worf that she wants his expert opinion regarding those porn videos. Worf replied, "They're lightweights compared to the brothels on Kronos."

Yar replied, "I'd like to point a phaser at Neelix who panicked because he didn't know the phaser was a toy.Worf laughed and gave the toy phaser to Alexander so he could pretend to be a Tribble hunter.

Meanwhile, Guinan was preparing to fight off a Ferengi was smuggling some Corlean table lamps that were thought to be alive.Picard however asked them if they had ever heard of tea,hot Earl Grey?They responded that they have and tasted some and thoroughly disliked the bitter aftertaste.Picard explained that a dash of nutmeg to relieve toothaches added to lemon juice would improve the flavour according the Bartender's Almanac of Amsterdam.Wesley argued that prune juice with a dash of fresh ground chipotle to summon the bowel movement to ensure a thorough colon cleansing,especially after eating Gagh and Pipius Claw à la mode.

It was perfectly clear that all of Admiral Nechayev's former lovers were well groomed men from down on the corner out in the street in front of the Old Tavern

hope you can contribute now Jet thanx for being such a good sport.


They were

If you see exactly what to do don't tell ME! I'm just a singer in a rock&roll band!


All very

we need more diversity in sports. Where are the short, fat Asians!


good at


following orders


but failed


stamina tests.


None of


the Enterprise's


officers was



able to


stay awake



long enough


during Data's



interprative dance


while reciting



Norse poetry



So, Worf..

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


thought he'd


be doing



himself a


Big favor

we need more diversity in sports. Where are the short, fat Asians!


by beaming


up Alexander

#700!!! yes ladies and gentlemen we have reached the 700 mark thanx to Jet for continuing my thread after it was shut down and I want to thank all those who made a contribution THANK YOU ALL 🎇🎉🎊🎈🎆🔆🎹🎻🎺🎷🎸🎶🍺🍻🍸🍹🍷🍔🍟🍕🎂📍🚩👌


in secret


so Alexander



could covertly


distract Data


while Worf


tried to


hook-up with


a security-team


that would


stun Data


and replace


Spot by


combining two


animals into


one transporter pattern


which turned


Spot into


a half


tribble, half


Sehlat so


When Data came...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


to, he


Went ballistic...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


seeing what


those Klingons


Did to..

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


his beloved


Spot and


Tasha picture.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


"Qapla!", roared


and took


Qapla roared (Worf), I think you missed, Nex.

And took the cat...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


And put...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


it in


A large..

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


kitty litter


Bin. When...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


Barclay remarked


"How the...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


smell reminded


Him of.....

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


toilet duty


On the...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


his mother's

(Oops sorry! lol I don't know how to fix that one.


starship where


The bathroom...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


wasn't very


was cleaned


Or sanitary.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


Don't you mean sanitised ???


Wasn't very cleaned it sanitary.

Nope. Sanitary is correct.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


where did that "wasn't very.."come from? that wasn't there when I posted but it still makes no sense whatsoever?The story doesn't have to make sense but at least can we get the sentences right ?

Time for the Deus Ex Machina edit again... 

Barclay remarked "How the smell reminded him of toilet duty on the his mother's starship where the bathroom wasn't very clean and sanitary



Obviously, you and Eye posted at the exact same time.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


Well done. Yeah, wacky things are happening. lol


So you gentlemen agree with what I did with the edit storywise?


Yes indeed, Nex.

Various crewmen


waited nervously


to see


a glimpse


of the new


commanding officer


from Holland


who was

(nice touch Eye thank you  )


an enormous


admirer of


the Borg


for their


perseverance and


tenacity that


Starfleet lacks.


Also, the...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


prime directive


Forbids any..

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


sexual relations


with pre-warp


or genocidal species.


of women.


So what...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


the Hell


Happened was...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


Commander Riker


had unknowingly


allowed Moriarty


to finish


his diabolical


plan to


turn Data


into a


old-timey version


of Robbie the Robot


but with


very advanced


Cunnilingus skills..

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


to satisfy


Natasha Yar...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


and her


insatiable appetite


for sexual


stimulation sounds


so she

Congratulations Eye that was the 800th post nice work!!!🙌🙌🙌👍👍👍


plugged Data


into her


bridge terminal


to get


vector coordinates


that would


allow Moriarty


to control


the entire


Girth of....

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


Data so


They had.....

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


instant satisfaction


In knowing...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


Data was


About to...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


be fully


Operational when...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


Yar starts


step two

Riker out


[of] the process

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


to transform


the Enterprise


into a


exact replica


of Battlestar Galactica


Q comes....

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


to rescue


the crew


but Cylons


Walk slowly...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


but determinately


Towards the...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


the bridge


Only to....

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


become distracted


by floating

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


discs and cones


Into the...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


captain's quarters


Where they...

Slow day, huh, Nex?

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


found a


dozen comatose Borg


pilled up


like hotcakes


Ready to be...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


made into flutes


for Picard


and his


fellow Starfleet


bandmates. Vulcan


ambasador Soval


was ironically


the first


and only


who laughed


when Hugh


did his


I am...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


Sam routine


and replicating


Sean Penn's


Oscar worthy...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


performance although


they royally


screwed up


as usual.


Since it


shall never


win a


Cardassian Klurg.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


Which is like...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


yeah explain wtf is a Cardassian Klurg? 



Which is like the Cardassian version of an Oscar...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


only it


Isn't as...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


small as


The Oscar...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


But it


Is in...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


fact quite


Large. When...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


compared to


Riker's member....

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


which is


A nice...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


small penis


I was going for a nice size. But, you wanna get Eye on your case. How else did he get all the ladies??

...unlike Worf's.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


Size isn't anything and some women prefer variety having a big Frankfurter for diner every day is boring and you might crave for some bite size Weeners.

mighty BKD


No woman craves bite size wieners.

Just then...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


Women with small appetites do. 

Q appeared


and screamed, "


Stop these



RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


and behave


like a


good boy


or I'll


Pump your...

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


ears up


to Ferengi-size


and shrink


the Enterprise


down to


the size


Like satellites..

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


the size


Of Uranus..

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


that's not shrinking CJ that is expanding. 


Ha. The older we get, I guess. Lol.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


that much is true. 
