The Borg ruined star trek

The whole cool thing about ST was the exploring of new lifeforms. The borg were cool for a few episodes but beyond that I hated them
B/cv theyre basically mindless and boring. All those species they assimilated means less for the federation to explore and meet. In their place stupid dumb drones.

I mean like take the whale probe in ST IV. Supposedly in EU book some powerful whale-like species built it. Ok that sounds awesome and perhaps we could meet them BUT but now guessed...destroyed/assimilated by thee Borg

Please enough with the dumb borg in future shows and movies

The whole appeal fop ST was new species new lifeforms. The borg basically make all that bland and dull


I mean you hear about once there was this cool species...or some great that empire...blah blah blach all cool stories to explore but now theyre just stupid boring dull mindless drones

I mean how much more can you take a freaking borg plot? At least the Romulus and Klingon as villains have personality borg just get BORING after a while

Eff them


The Borg didn't ruin Star Trek. As much as they were overexposed for the kind of villain they were supposed to be, they didn't get enough exposure to really ruin Star Trek.

What really ruined Star Trek, in the end, was its own success. There came a point where the producers, particularly Rick Berman and Brannon Braga, basically felt that all they had to do to offset the costs of production for the show was to slap "Star Trek" on the marquee of whatever they were doing, thereby taking the audience for granted. Voyager would plod along coming out with more stories filled with inane technobabble and rarely anything remotely interesting, and Enterprise would do more of the same, even if the Xindi story-arc gave us a wrinkle in there, it was problematic because the characters at the time were not all that interesting.

At the same time, the television landscape changed, with more and more cable outlets and new networks coming out, which meant that Star Trek had more to compete with. Without compelling stories and interesting characters, Trek was bound to founder, especially when you're up against stuff like Survivor.


What ruined Star Trek was not enough interesting characters, starting with DS9. TOS and TNG each had three main characters who carried their shows. DS9's only interesting main character was Quark, the Ferengi bartender. Not good. And Worf couldn't save it.


Perhaps not main characters, but S9 had enough supporting characters that held dynamic interests. Most notably, Garak.

But you still had Martok, Worf, Bashir, and Nog. I would say they each had good development.

Now, the symbiant bit, Jake, Obrien, and Kira were all pretty weak characters/ideas.

"Obamacare: It only works if you don't!"


Fans will want to see the Borg because they're the most intriguing enemy for a couple of reasons. First their zombiness, people have a fascination with zombies. Also, because of the fear we have that technology is going to take over one day.


That's why to me they should have ended at THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS. The BORG was just ONE giant scary cube that got destroyed. THE END.


I can't imagine the Borg originating in the DQ and only having one cube. Guinan claimed they were quite old.


I agree it shouldn't have been More than one cube.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


The "hive mind" is scifi theme that's a lot older and bigger than Star Trek. I think any imaginative person that studies ants or bees in school thinks of what it would be like if humans worked like that.


Every day, Dr. Lol.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


It should be ru-inned. 


The Borg didn't ruin Star Trek.


They made Star Trek water cooler talk. Everyone was talking about TNG at the time.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.
