Q's Penalty Box

This thread is for all those poorly executed scenes and badly written pieces of dialogue,and therefore should suffer punishment by being put in the Q's penalty box until another poster comes up with a new detainee guilty of violating the rules of tasteful acting and clever scriptwriting.

My first candidate;

Tasha Yar in Hide and Q in this scene around 1:05(the acting was so cringeworthy it gave me the idea for this post);



Poor Tasha. I'm going with her anti-drug speech from Symbiosis.


Over 20,001 Tacos Returned...AS GARBAGE!


Good choice BJ ,a double penalty round for Lt. Yar it is . 


Call her Yellow Yar - I refuse to acknowledge any other name for that boring bitch.

Why are you here if you haven't seen the movie yet?


Put Wesley in there, too. His inability to understand why anybody would choose some form of escapism (particularly with chemicals) is aggravating. You live on a spaceship with infinite food and a fully interactive sex simulator, you little prick! How dare you begrudge a guy who just wants to forget about his troubles once in a while!


Put Wesley in there, too. His inability to understand why anybody would choose some form of escapism (particularly with chemicals) is aggravating. You live on a spaceship with infinite food and a fully interactive sex simulator, you little prick! How dare you begrudge a guy who just wants to forget about his troubles once in a while!

We are talking about acting or badly written dialogue and specific examples not terrible characters and believe me I'm no fan of Wesley but we need specific examples of Wesley having bad dialogue or being poor in the execution of a scene.


And I mentioned the specific example, in that particular scene. Both he and Tasha deserve to be punished.


I think it would help immensely if you put a link to the scene you mentioned in your post or if it's not available maybe it can be found as a qoute here in IMDB.


I think you need to go into the penalty box.

BJ mentions the anti-drug PSA and how Tasha's lines were awful
I remarked that Wesley should go in for his lines, too. Namely how he couldn't fathom why anybody would seek an escape. It was a horrible scene. It's the same scene the BJ was talking about.

I really don't know how much simpler this could be.


Sorry Flibbet the coin has finally dropped now I understand you were talking about the same scene as BJ sorry mate, Wesley 's acting in that scene with Tasha was indeed bad so Wesley indeed goes into Q's Penalty Box.


How about the ridiculous running around in Justice?


For DS9, the worst scene has to be the Allamarain scene from Move Along Home.


For Voyager, there are many, many Neelix scenes to choose from, such as the one where he's in a food fight with a Kazon.



How about the ridiculous running around in Justice?


I think we need a bigger penalty box. 

For DS9, the worst scene has to be the Allamarain scene from Move Along Home.


Another team effort yep we definitely need a bigger penalty box.

For Voyager, there are many, many Neelix scenes to choose from, such as the one where he's in a food fight with a Kazon.


Another take on the old "food-fight" ey ,and there is a special place in Hell reserved for Neelix. 


For Enterprise, I submit the entire Vox Sola episode.

(loud video)


For Enterprise, I submit the entire Vox Sola episode.

(loud video)

I think it 's a question of the execution here a lot of tubes and KY gel I guess although the episode did have some nice moments between T'Pol and Hoshi but the Penalty box it is...


Gonna be hard to do for TOS, as there are quite a few train wreck scenes in season 3.

Over 20,001 Tacos Returned...AS GARBAGE!


Then you got your work cut out for you BJ (maybe you should ask Jet to help) but you can start with Kirk in Turnabout Intruder. 


This one is so bad I'm not going to inflict a video of it on you. One picture says it all.



Another one bites the dust...


Flotter and the other annoying thing. Voyager, Once Upon a Time.



The one where Wesley is taking some tests or whatever and the guy with the webbed hands confronts him and Wesley says "Do you want this to get physical?", or some terrible thing.

X-Men: Apocalypse 8/10. TMNT: Out of the Shadows 9/10. RIP Doris Roberts. You were wonderful in ELR.


That was in Coming of Age.



That was in Coming of Age.


Yeah that was bad as well I agree a worthy detainee for Q's Penalty Box.


Don't know about other people's opinion, but the jumping scene from "Rascals" nearly made me face palm. I get Ro having a horrible childhood and all that, but I just can't get over how weird the scene played out when Guinan brought it up.

Scene starts around 3:33 in the clip.


And another victim for Q's Penalty Box, good work JB.


That whole episode was awful. Here's a direct link to the referenced section. Definitely cringe worthy.



The smile thing they did with Phlox in the beginning episodes of Enterprise was entirely cringe worthy. Good thing they stopped doing it due to budget constraints.



The smile thing they did with Phlox in the beginning episodes of Enterprise was entirely cringe worthy. Good thing they stopped doing it due to budget constraints.


to be honest it doesn't bother me since it's a fraction of a second ,plus can't detain somebody when it is not his fault it's not a case of bad acting or badly written dialogue so I'm afraid I have to decline on that one Cmmisc,young Ro,Keiko,Picard and Guinan remain in the Penalty Box


OK, fair enough.

How about Okona, Data, and the Joe Piscopo character from The Outrageous Okona?

Couldn't find a good video, but this pic sums it up.



Yes Data was particularly bad in that episode and though the episode is no Emmy material I kinda liked the swashbuckling qualities of Okuna ,he reminded me a bit of Robert Urich in The Ice Pirates which is a cult favourite here.So my compromise is Data and Joe Piscopo get to spent time the Penalty Box Okuna get a warning to better his ways.
