The wrap shirts

Picard and RIker, for their 'civilian' clothes and sometimes jambes wear those sort of wrap shirts.
Not that I am complaining mind you. I do enjoy the exposure from the wrap shirts but what IS the deal?
Was that a style back then? It seems funny that they seem to always have that type of shirt on. If it was supposed to be a 'style' for on the show, they should have had someone mention it in the dialogue.

It just looks like the wardrobe department was sort of lazy. It would probably than someone that can sew about 7 minutes to make a wrap shirt.

The other thing I noticed was that Beverly's clothes, except for the lesbian shots of her and Troi, "Stretching" in the spandex "Ho" outfits, Beverly's civilian outfits are FUGLY. There is one were she is trying to hit it with 'Picard', She has on a green dress and it looks like she is wearing an Army Shelter Half.

Why didn't they find her something attractive to wear?

I think we only see Geordie a couple of times in anything other than his uniform and it is a good thing that he isn't wearing the wrap shirt. Yeech.

Same with Worf. We see him in one wrap top and the damn thing is wrapped up to his adam's apple just about. I didn't get this as I'm pretty sure he looked as good if not better than Riker. (not as good as Picard though )



If someone from 350 years ago saw how we dressed today, how do you think they would react? Just imagine trying to explain a goth...

"Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." -- J. Robert Oppenheimer


Thank you Nakita for your interest in my leisure attire. Do you have a hologram or some other visual reference of this "wrap" shirt you speak of? I think I know which one you mean.

And I had several. The replicator listed it as "SILK SHIRT #9". It was just a very comfy shirt, tailored in the Vulcan fashion that was popular at the time, made from the finest Ferengi tubegrub silk. They were very versatile as well as fashion-forward. I'd usually wear one to bed. Or just whenever I wanted to feel sexy.

If you indulge me for a moment I'd like to share with you my favorite personal civilian leisure attire. It was from several years prior to my assignment to the Enterprise. It was known as "The Fonz". I'm afraid I don't get the reference, but it was the very outfit I wore when I first met my sweet, sweet Imzadi. Hope you like it. Cheers.

Riker Out

EDIT - added "favorite"


The pills Eye the pills damn not AGAIN.


I like Eye as Riker.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


Thank you Nakita for your interest in my leisure attire. Do you have a hologram or some other visual reference of this "wrap" shirt you speak of? I think I know which one you mean.

very nice shirt number one. Yes, that is just what mean

And I had several. The replicator listed it as "SILK SHIRT #9". It was just a very comfy shirt, tailored in the Vulcan fashion that was popular at the time, made from the finest Ferengi tubegrub silk. They were very versatile as well as fashion-forward. I'd usually wear one to bed. Or just whenever I wanted to feel sexy.
Just a quick question Number one, did you feel yourself feeling sexy?

If you indulge me for a moment I'd like to share with you my favorite personal civilian leisure attire. It was from several years prior to my assignment to the Enterprise. It was known as "The Fonz". I'm afraid I don't get the reference, but it was the very outfit I wore when I first met my sweet, sweet Imzadi. Hope you like it. Cheers.
this is an example of what we refer to as "not a good look" Number One.



Just a quick question Number one, did you feel yourself feeling sexy?

There will be no feeling and touching oneself on this board mind the kids. 👮

this is an example of what we refer to as "not a good look" Number One.

 Yes that outfit would go down as a fashion offence number one ,bloody Hell where did you get that outfit was there an after sale at The Brady Bunch lot? 



Cosby was very influential.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


But Wesly wore a lot of Cosby sweaters too LOL



Right, Cosby sweaters. They don't call them Wesley sweaters.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


But Wesly wore a lot of Cosby sweaters too LOL

Do you think Cosby drugged him and molested Wesley as well,Nak?Maybe Cosby and the Traveler are the ringleaders of some pedophile-network. 


I bet the actor who played the Traveler gets asked about his penchant for young boys all the time.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.

