the final solution ,

I have been trying to get the best possible quality on this great series , you could have read my early messages and that will show the dedication and heartbreaks that when into this .
But I believe I have made a considerable progress with the huge lot of tapes I have collected world wide and still looking for the impossible.
But now I have the following
A 11 master set that would be the best results I have made , it contains every bit of the original , some were never screen in some countries, I guess due to commercial time or station breaks.
I have made it in both Pal and NTSC code free…
The next version is on 5 discs and this will be slightly lower in quality but not by much thanks goodness .
Both these were meant to be shown on a no upgrade DVD player , but these days most players do the automatically , the results are different varying from stretching the full frame to wide and thus lowering the quality further. They push a normal resoltuioon to 1080 and that’s to far for these old movies.
So I went to the trouble to make it Bluray format to allow the quality to be used without upscalling and this worked and it looks great even on the 12 ft projection tV . we kept the original aspect ratio and that was a real pain in the ass so to speak , one would have loved to make it wide but it was not possible without defeating the purpose.
Whist this web site does not show the 5 disc set or the bluray as yet you can inquire at [email protected]

what we now have is the folwing all with the extra 10 minutes tahn most tv statinon left out
the delux 12 disc st with a flip top box , this is the best we can every do
the 5 disc set for the general sales , realy exceptable all with art work great value and sell realy well
the bluray now completed
