scary episode

i remember being really freaked out as a little kid by that "nightmares"episode.their teacher really scared me(i think i was 3)in 1991?it must have been her crazy eyes.
i miss good old 80's early 90's cartoons!


I had some scary teachers, so unforunately, that episode pailed in comparison to their presence.

I remember this one math teacher who would move her desk up all the way to the blackboard and not talk to anyone. She'd stare you down and just write on the blackboard. Strangely, the lighting was darker and the board blacker than other classes. You also weren't allowed to open any of the windows. Maybe she was allergic to the sun???

Who knows... Can't say I really miss the 4th Bride of Dracula... There were 7 altogether, so they're still out there...
