Wast his the show with the lasers?

I remember it being this, or something from the same timeperiod, where a bunch of teenagers played lasergame, but when there was a threat in a universe (or something), they shoot at mirrors, the laser hit them, and they were transported and transformed into heroes...

I vaguely remember a metal bird-like creature who could devour people by sucking them in or something, gave me the creeps...
I used to love her, but I had to kill her. - GNR


correct, this was the show

you can find all 22 episodes online, also check youtube for this show


You might be confusing 'Lazer Tag' with Captain Power.

"Miners, not minors!"


Was it Photon?

Try not to take life too seriously, no one gets out alive.


Sounds like you are mixing up a few shows. The teenagers playing a lightgun game was Laser Tag. The metal bird was Captain Power. Battling a threat in the universe was Photon.

In Laser Tag they were chasing a criminal into the past. The guns acted alot like a Green Lantern ring in that they could do all sorts of power effects and activated it by zapping a mirror if I recall correctly. It was a standard animated series.

Photon was a live action series based also on a lightgun game/arena. It had a earth teen recruited into an interstellar force to combat a universal corrupting force.
