New Romance

Ridge falls for Steffy and begins a secret love affair, until Quinn catches them in the act, and blackmails them.


He's her father. This is set in Southern California, not the Deep South. 

"Leave me to do my dark bidding on the internet!"


There could be a rewrite and then they aren't related and they fall for each other like he did with Bridget. I still think that's one of the worst story lines that this show ever did.


Steffy just needs to be with Bill.....he still wants her so bad that he keeps rooting for ANY of his sons to be with her however possible.

LIZ 10:I'm the bloody Queen, mate. Basically, I rule.Dr.Who


Wait a few months. Steffy and Wyatt will have split (he should have helped her pack her bags when she left because of his mother), Liam will be wondering if he's really ready to make a lifetime commitment to her, as he always does when she's not with someone else, or maybe Hope will be back and he'll be up to his usual waffling, and BOOM! A hunky, sexy guy will show up and sweep her off her feet...and it will be William Spencer!

"Leave me to do my dark bidding on the internet!"


LOL...yep...Like I said...ANY of Bill's sons!

LIZ 10:I'm the bloody Queen, mate. Basically, I rule.Dr.Who
