MovieChat Forums > Blackadder the Third (1987) Discussion > I still can't believe that's House!

I still can't believe that's House!

I hadn't watch Blackadder in a few years. I started to watch House MD, And I kept looking at the man who plays House, and I knew that I had seen him somewhere else.

And now for something completely different.


He is great, isn't he?


I was embarassed to realize I hadn't picked him out (not that I watch House much).


Never noticed 'till they started running Black Adder a year back and I saw Hugh Laurie in the opening being credited for Prince George!


Hugh Laurie's comedy stuff is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than 'House'!!! He was awesome in 'Jeeves and Wooster'

"Hating people is like burning down your own house to get rid of a rat". ~Henry Emerson Fosdick


I remember watching House and looking at Hugh Laurie and thinking, I had seen him in something.. Then I said "Oh, God..... That the Prince Regent!!" My room mate didn't believe me, he had to come here to verify it

You're like Santa Claus,on Prozac,at Disney Land,getting laid!


I know, just shows what a terrific actor he is that he can play two completely different parts brilliantly.

Don't move, you are surrounded by armed bastards! - Gene Hunt


I know exactly what you mean! I'm addicted to House and Blackadder (among other things) and every time I think of House being the Prince Regent I crack up laughing! Simply can't believe it! He plays both parts with great excellence and skill.


~*~*~*~*~*~ To err is human, to arr! is pirate ~*~*~*~*~*~


No offense to House lovers, but I can never take House seriously knowing he was the least British Brit in one of the greatest Britcoms of all time. It would be like watching that resussitation of 'Dragnet' with Al Bundy (I kept waiting for the joke!). Or maybe it's just me. Yeah, I'm plenty insane for something like that.

Leigh Slawner only happened because Chuck Norris was taking a nap.


What are you talking about "the least British Brit"?

Are you trying to say he isn't British? Of course he's British.

Sorry, I don't think I understand your point, could you clarify, please?


I can completely forget he's Britsh when he plays House and I have seen so much of his other stuff that's the mark of a great actor he can own anything he dose.


Wow the prince regent is house? I don't really watch 'House' and only seen a few episodes but I totally didn't pick it. I don't think I can watch 'House' again cause I'll keep half-expecting Baldrick to barge in and say he has "a cunning plan, mi'lord".


Yeah, Hugh Laurie gets around. He's done period pieces such as "Sense and Sensibility" and "The Man in the Iron Mask", as well as comedies such as "Peter's Friends", but in those features he used his normal upper-class British accent. It was something else altogether when he had to affect an American accent for "House". The first time I saw him in his new American programme it made me squirm to hear his attempts at this "foreign" accent. He has improved over subsequent seasons, but it is still quite a shock, sometimes. Also, for the longest time, it was difficult for me to take him seriously in dramatic parts. After watching Laurie portray idiots for so long, I break into laughter when I spot him.


Sorry, but Hugh Laurie is ball-bouncingly British!




