I love Mrs. Miggins

Does anybody else feel this way? ... sigh... I long to open the door to her Pie Shop, to chew upon her buns and sup heartily upon her Scarlet Pimpernel Sauce.

Seriously though, where can I get a good photo of Helen Atkinson Wood? - she has such energy and vitality!!!



"Oh yes, there's more Shakespearean dialogue in here than there are buns!"

I don't know what you mean by a "good" photo, but try checking Google image search.

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"



Yeah, she is very funny. I think she's an underrated part of Blackadder The Third, she should have been in the opening credits I think. Maybe it's because Helen Atkinson-Wood isn't one of the "recurring" actors who appear in every Blackadder series rather than just one (not counting the first series).

Her character was mentioned quite a few times in Blackadder II though, but she didn't actually appear.


Yeah, in Blackadder II she is mentioned in the episode "Money". After they have framed the Bishop of Bath and Wells, Edmund suggests to go and celebrate it at Mrs Miggins' Pie Shop... And she is also mentioned in Blackadder Goes Forth, when George is talking about a song called "Whoops, Mrs Miggins! You're sitting on my artichokes!"


Quickly! Bring me something deep-fried and smothered in chocolate!


Is there really such a song? i can't remember! I'll check it up soon.

Mrs Miggins is mentioned in Blackadder II as being "paralysed from the nose down", quote courtesy of Lord Percy Percy in "Potato".

You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you


Oh yeah...something about...

"She has baked a huge commemorative pie, in the shape of an enormous pie!!!"

"What an imagination that woman has..."


Quickly! Bring me something deep-fried and smothered in chocolate!


I've been watching some of my old Blackadder DVDs and Mrs. Miggins has a hilarious line I somehow forgot all about, and I'm usually good at remembering great lines from Blackadder. Anyway, it's in the episode about the French Revolotion;

"He must be down on his luck. He's made that horse's willy last all morning!"

I was ROTF. That was so funny!


Blackadder: "What is Scarlet Pimpernel sauce?"
Mrs. Miggins: "You take a large, ripe frog. Squeeze it..."


Quickly! Bring me something deep-fried and smothered in chocolate!


"He must be down on his luck. He's made that horse's willy last all morning!"

I was ROTF. That was so funny!

Almost even better than that was a few minutes later when Blackadder is talking to the man in question, who says, 'If I didn't know better, I'd say it was a horse's...' and Blackader promptly points out that it's time to go!


^ lol, yes! "This enormous sausage is VERY suspicious!"

Mrs Miggins is fantastic. Nice to see her 'in the flesh' after all the other references to her.

"Well, vivre to that and an eclair for both of us! !"


