Blackadder Five

According to Tony Robinson:

There is a possibility that the fith generation of the Blackadder series will be set in the 1960's, in which our friends are in a band called "Black Adder 5" which would feature Blackadder as the lead singer/guitarist, and Baldrick, AKA: Bald Rick,as the Rodie.

I think this idea is great, and personally, really want them to do this.

What do you guys think?



I beg to differ. I think Bald Rick is hillarious.

His name wasn't Baldrick in Back & Forth Either, I think it was Baldus or something.



I think that it would be better if the fifth series was set in the future like on a space ship or something, since the series seem to be about 100-200 years apart.


"Blackie" occasionally called Baldrick "Balders" which is just a shortening of his name in nick name fashion - that's all.


Ugh. That sounds like a horrible idea with little comedic potential. Anything beyond WW2 doesn't look too promising actually. What I'd like to see is Black Adder as a Roman general as seen in Back and Forth. They haven't really explored that bit yet.

Bollocks to the prat who suggested Blackadder be turned to some Red Dwarf-type sci-fi comedy. The premise sounds totally ludicrous, not to mention that you obviously don't get what made Blackadder work in the first place. (i.e. Satire on the folly of men throughout history, Period comedy etc.)


Yeah, I sort of agree with you about the satire of different pediods in history, but there aren't really any more periods in history to spoof, going back ito the past wouldn't really make sense.......and you didn't have to call me a prat.


I agree with you on the latter argument but disagree on the former. The 1960s British invasion period of Rock and Roll is rife with comedic possibilities and sounds like you're being a bit snobbish. Comedy is, after all, subjective and I love the Bald Rick thing immensely. Doing World War II would either end up looking like a "Carry On' movie or an English "Hogan's Heroes" thing and eithe rof those wwould be downright lame.

I could even see Stephen Fry worked in as a priggish hotel owner in the UK or even a Brian Epstein style manager.

As to the satire of the follies of men throughout history, there are endless possibilities considering both the politics of the time and the cultural clashes as well. There's your period comedy.



Or how about just leaving it be and remembering it as an excellent show, and not some once great idea that was dragged into the pits by going on far too long (i.e. Red Dwarf series 6 onwards...)


Well said northern andy. The mentality of the average viewer and show maker these days is so low they do not know when to give it a rest. And leave things in a good state instead of running it into the ground and then some.

"Losing ground, the fate you feel draws near. Fatality, reality, await the final call"


Rowan Atkinson said that he would like to do a WW2 series along the lines of "Colditz", but he said he didn't know if the BBC would come up with the dibsI think he would be brilliant as Winco Blackaddder!


I think if they did a WWII Blackadder it would be too simalar to Goes Forth.


I've always liked the idea of the fifth series being set in the future. It would obviously be nothing like Red Dwarf and 'Blackadder in the Fifth Dimension' has a nice ring to it.


maybe they should do an episode for each decade of the last 100 years. i mean it sounds wierd but at least it wouldn't get samey and something new week


There was a suggestion, way back when, that Blackadder 5 was going to have a political setting - with Blackadder as a backbench Tory M.P. etc. But I doubt the existence of The New Statesman alone scuppered that idea. Blackadder (notwithstanding the opportunist cynic that he was) would've loathed all politicians - of all hues. In short, then, Blackadder's come and gone. Back And Forth proved that. It was s h i t.

The lion and the calf shall lie down together, but the calf won't get much sleep.



Amen. Don't let them ruin it. Let it rest unsullied.

Like The Office, Faulty Towers or Father Ted; quit whilst your ahead. Or like Feddy Mercury, Princess Diana or Dermot Morgan; die tragically early.

It's great for your legacy.


I liked the blackadder from blackadder back and forth "these things can be used at a supermarket to earn points which you can buy a tin of baked beans".

Sort of a pathetic Lord Blackadder much removed from the last three blackadder's we've seen.



I'd like another Blackadder, but on the other hand none of the ideas out there already seem very promising, if for no other reason than that all of them seem to be derivative of already existing shows. The WWII idea sounds too much like Hogan's Heroes. I'm not sure about the Beatles one, and certainly the alternate idea suggested on here (as washed-up rock stars) smacks too much of Spinal Tap. Staradder sounds like "Red Dwarf", and the superhero idea mentioned on Wikipedia - "Batadder" I believe - sounds like it would be a good sketch, but not something that could carry over for a whole series.

Rowan Atkinson mentioned in an interview, the idea of Blackadder being a Secret Policeman in Revolutionary Russia. That sounds intriguing but on the other hand he couldn't be a REAL Blackadder, what with being Russian and all...

"The best of them won't come for money - they'll come for ME!" - Lawrence of Arabia


Really, I don't think a new series will happen, nor could it preserve that original edge. But just for kicks, to consider a new series, I was just thinking that Thatcher's 1980's Britain would be perfect.

--Not the future, still an era that provides fuel for historical jokes
--Far enough from the date of the previous series to provide wiggle room for the new plot (since each of the previous series allowed time for the changing fortunes of the Blackadder lineage.)
--it might be a kick to set a "historical" comedy in the very era when the show was originally shot
--Black Adder was a very "British" show, and 1980's London has a very iconic style

Again, I don't expect a new series to actually happen, but blue-skying is fun.


A thought just occurred to me.
Perhaps the new Blackadder could take place in India(circa 1946)as the British are losing their empire.
Edmund Blackadder could be a mid to high ranking British Dignitary(civil servant, official, whatever)dealing with the utter and complete loss of everything he holds near and dear.Position,status,wealth,land holdings,etc.
Tim McInnerny/Stephan Fry/Miranda Richardson could play various roles. A subservient underling in government machinations, a scheming Indian attempting to assume Edmunds power, or they could be anyone from anywhere in the British Empire.
Baldrick could be a poor Indian peasant of British/Indian descent.Poor Baldrick.
Dealing with dung yet again.At least this time, the dung comes from sacred animals.
Just my two cents.


Yes. That does sound really good. Maybe it's a bit too similar to blackadder goes forth though, but still it doesn't seem to have many bad points.


How about something along the lines of:

Blackadder: The lost dynasties. Where each episode tells the story of a different member of the Blackadder family throughout history.


Why not a Blackadder set in present days British parliament?


I really doubt the Blackadder character would fit into the role of a lead singer. Blackadder would be more fitting as a 60's politician but perhaps that would be too similar to yes minister.

WW2 is great but isn't it far too close to Series 4, no real time for another generation of BlackAdders although I could imagine Adrian Edmonson cast as a spoilt Hitler. Also wouldn't Blackadder himself just be an updated version of Captain Blackadder we've already seen him as a military officer.

Prince, Lord, Butler, Officer really has to be something different next.

Ah if only series 4 hadn't missed out the Victorian era (I know the Dickens sketch thankyou) we'd be ready for ww1 now.


"There is a possibility that the fith generation of the Blackadder series will be set in the 1960's, in which our friends are in a band called "Black Adder 5" which would feature Blackadder as the lead singer/guitarist, and Baldrick, AKA: Bald Rick,as the Rodie. "

Oh my gosh!!!! That would be hysterical!!!!

"Hating people is like burning down your own house to get rid of a rat". ~Henry Emerson Fosdick


On the 'Blackadder Rides Again' documentary shown over Christmas in the UK, Richard Curtis and Ben Elton basically said another series won't happen. The original idea was for it to be set in the 60s with Blackadder as a record producer related to the Royal family, and Baldrick as a Ringo-type drummer. However, most were not happy with this idea, and Rowan Atkinson had suggested a WW2 based series in a prisoner-of-war camp.

During the documentary, Tony Robinson and Tim McInnerney discussed another series and McInnerney said he wouldn't do it as they are all too old and people remember Blackadder from when they were younger. I was surprised to learn that Stephen Fry was still in his twenties when Blackadder Goes Forth was made.

It's a shame but I think it would be wrong to do another series, unless they changed the angle. I guess you can never say never, but doing what was succesful 20 years ago may not work again now.


I think Blackadder was always way too critical of the culture of the times he was present in to do the whole rock 'n' roll thing...I mean, he loathed theater during the Regency and Charlie Chaplin in fact, I don't think he's ever said anything positive about any form of art. He would most certainly consider rock 'n' roll beneath him.

"10/10 for style, but minus several million for good thinking."
