Funniest moments

Which moments from the show stick out for you as among the funniest?

Besieged Part 1, Penhall's climbing a chain link fence to chase a guy, but he's so fat the fence falls down right on top of the crook with Penhall on top of him. That was rich, and then to have it in the show's opening montage, I love that.


I always thought that the Halloween episode in Season 4 I think was the funniest. "Aliens travel thousands of light years just to get a good deal on a car stereo, believe it...or not!"


I don't think it was so much his weight as he was on one side moving up and towards the fence, and the other guy was on the other side moving down and away that caused it to fall.


in the episode "Gotta finish the riff" when Hoffs, Ioki, and Hanson hear the motorcycle crash outside, and they all look at each other and say, "Penhall!"

the saddest thing in life is wasted talent


For me...pretty much anything with Penhall and Hanson they were like Laurel and Hardy/Abbott and Costello. Love them.
