Quotes question

I was reading the quotes section. why does it say "Off. Tom Hanson #2"? Was there a different actor playing Hanson at some point?


Maybe it recognizes that Officer Hanson began as a uniformed patrol officer. The #2 version is still J Depp, but after he transferred into Jump St.


yes. they had ended up getting NOT johnny depp in the beginning but the shows creators/directors didn't like him at all and really wanted johnny depp for the show and that role.

JD was very against being on this show and kept on suggesting his character do strange things [spreading peanut butter over his naked self]

Jeff Yagher was originally cast as Officer Tom Hanson in the pilot. He was replaced after the original pilot episode was filmed, and his scenes were reshot with Johnny Depp. Midway through the first season, Frederic Forrest was replaced by Steven Williams. On the show, Forrest's character Richard Jenko is killed by a drunk driver. Johnny Depp left the series at the end of the fourth season, but was credited in the first two episodes of the fifth season, despite not having appeared.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.
