MovieChat Forums > Zombie Nightmare (1988) Discussion > Were You A Fan Of USA UP ALL NIGHT? If Y...

Were You A Fan Of USA UP ALL NIGHT? If You Were Then Needing Your Help!

If you liked this movie then you would like the kind of movies that USA Network showed on a weekly show that was on Friday and Saturday nights called USA UP ALL NIGHT! They showed B movies, cult classics, horror movies, and a few mainstream movies as well.

Wo can forget about the hosts of the show? There was this hot blond named Rhonda Shear and she is famous for her long legs. Her name is Rhonda Shear! Then there was Gilbert Gottfried who hosted the show on Saturday nights.

A friend and I created a website dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT the show and the fans of the show. Now this website is not just for fans of the show but also for anyone who never heard of USA UP ALL NIGHT, seen it before, or are too young to remember this great show that use to be on the USA Network at one time.

Take the time and explore the website and while you are there watch the video clips of the show when it use to be on the USA Network and while you are there sign the petition to help get this great show back on USA Network and on Friday and Saturday nights as well!

Be sure to let your family and friends know about this if they were fans of the show as well.

Thanks again!


Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!



Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!



Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!



Yeah I agree that it is a cult classic or something that is so bad thatit is good to watch that you can love! That is why I became hooked on movie like this when USA UP ALL NIGHT was on and I would like to see it make a come back!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


I remember Rhonda.

Oh, it was gorgeousness and gorgeosity made flesh.


COOL That you remember Rhonda!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


I remember that and also Night Flight.

Those were the days.

No infomercials. TV eventually turned off at a certain hour, but it wasn't endless infomercials.

Aagh; you're a HEDGE!


Night Flight was a great show to watch back in the day. Yes those were the days when TV had no informercials and it would turn off at a certain hour of the night. I cannot stand the endless informercials. There are networks out there right now that could be showing movies at the late hours of the night but instead they want to show those stupid infomercials instead.

MAN I miss how TV programming was 20 and 30 years ago.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


Agreed! What ever happened to late-night horror movies and stuff? Now, even with cable, it sucks. I'm way too cheap for good cable. What was affordable in San Francisco and Phoenix is way too expensive in Santa Fe and I therefore hold out and deal with mostly religious and Spanish channels and INFOMERCIALS.

IT IS fun to watch infomercials you've seen a million times on the Spanish channel, just to see how they translate it, but still....

Also, boxing is ok in any language.

Aagh; you're a HEDGE!


I am not sure what has happened to late night horror moviers and other things that was much more entertaining than what it is now. I think the networks and viewers have become too stuffy and cannot handle watching low budget movies, horror films, or anything like USA UP ALL NIGHT anymore. Instead they would rather sit and watch their NCIS, CSI, Law and Order garbage instead of something fun and entertaining.

I no longer watch main networks any longer because they repeat the same movies over and over again, show the same TV shows over and over again. Now I will watch other things that interest me instead. Yes it is fun to watch movies or certain programming that you have seen before translated into Spanish when you know they are in English. After a while like you said it gets boring showing the same things over and over again.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


Remember when they'd show Hammer Horror Film in the middle of the night, or on Saturday, or even during Dialing for Dollars!?

It's like, what is it now?

A bunch of tramps on a bus trying to woo a washed-up pop star, or some stupid reality show, or some celebrity gossip show, or infomercials, or some other reality crap.

Give me a MOVIE.

Although, I have to admit that CERTAIN reality shows do make me giggle.

They used to show movies on REGULAR TV.

It's hard to imagine now.

Aagh; you're a HEDGE!


I do remember a lot of horror movies were shown at one time at different times of the year not just for Halloween. Yes I remember Saturday and Sunday were a heck of a lot more enjoyable than what it is now I hate to say it.

Now all they show is TV shows in reruns. I have explained that if people want to see these shows then they can go out and buy the DVD box sets. They do not show movies that often anymore now and if they do it is something that has been shown a million times instead of movies from the past to add a different flavor to entertainment.

I can remember when I was a kid and I would sit with my mom and watch Sunday night movies. They do not even have that any longer instead it is dull and boring TV shows.

I know what you mean about the reality shows, washed up actors, pop stars, and informercials that we are all sick of watching! Come on and get some real movies on the weekends again!

Yes they did use to show some real movies on regular TV but not that much anymore now. TNT is stuck on their drama fix for those that want to watch it instead of showing some movies. They still show movies but not the all day movies that we grew up watching though and TBS is the same way as well with Friends in reruns, The George Lopez Show, Home Improvement, King and Queens, or anything else you can think of.

The best TV to watch now are the TV stations that are independent and are not nation wide. Now they show some really good movies to watch and a bit of everything to be honest with you including The Three Stooges, and Abbott and Costello films as well.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


What I've found is that TBS and TNT are stuck in showing the SAME '80s movie OVER AND OVER again!

Now that I've grown too chinzy for real cable, it REALLY sucks.

I have boxed sets of a lot of stuff.

I went through a big Kung Fu stint, and then David Carradine died, and I'd just ordered his autobiography, for SIX BUCKS, and overnight, it went up into three digits. I STILL got it for six bucks! Heheheheh.

Anyway,I don't hate all of the news shows, I just crave VARIETY.

In Phoenix, I LOVED it that I got TCM on basic cable.

No commercials and no cuts!

Anyway, we DO have Netflix and YouTube now.

That's a start.

Aagh; you're a HEDGE!


Yes TBS and TNT has that problem of showing the same movies from the 80's over and over again.

Yes it does suck about cable because everyone wants to do what everyone else is doing. If a executive programming director was to jump off of a bridge just to get ratings then you would see every network do the same thing to get the attention and ratings I hate to say it.

Well I lived up North for 7 1/2 years between Chicago and right over the border of Illinois in Wisconsin. 2 Years of the time was on active duty in the Navy due to 9/11. Well I would watch this one channel that showed in reruns the same TV shows that everyone else was showing on their network and channel. They would have this SvenGhoulie guy come on late Saturday nights but while I was on active duty he came on Saturday afternoons. He would show a variety of movies. The kind that no one else would show on TV anymore. I would sit and watch movies like Abbott and Costello, Boris Karloff movies, ZAPPED!, and any other genre of films. It was totally cool and they would even show Ghoulies too! I loved that channel. When I moved back to my home town in Central Illinois we did not have anything like that station at all. Milwaukee even carried this channel but it was the sister station to it though. I emailed that network and they said that they were not a major network that broadcasts all over the United States. I wished that they did though.

That is cool that you have boxed sets of a lot of things!

Kung Fu was a great show to watch and I remember as a kid in the 70's watching it on Sunday mornings or on the weekends. Then I watched Kung Fu The Legend Continues in the early 90's. That was a great show but they should have had Bruce Lee's son play David Carradine's son in the TV show because he did play in a reunion movie the son of David Carradine's character. That is cool that you got his autobiography at a good price. I am sure you were stoked about it.

Well I am not into the new shows I hate to say it. Like today I watched History Channel and some other channel. I no longer watch that much of the mainstream channels any longer because they do not show anything that I like to watch to be honest with you like they once did before.

When I was living in Kenosha, Wisconsin and I had TCM I loved it better than AMC! AMC in the late 90's went to altering their programming to bring more current movies that are more new than anything else and they stopped showing some of the classic movies that I loved to watch. TCM is great to watch! I will not forget this November in 2010 it will be 6 years ago TCM had a marathon for Thanksgiving of Abbott and Costello movies. I loved it and thought it was great to watch!

That is what I also love about TCM is there is no commercials in there at all until after the movie is done with.

Yes we do have Netflix and Youtube which is always good.

Yes it is always a start to somewhere more positive.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


LOVED your post.

Will respond in more detail when I'm not so knackered. :)

Aagh; you're a HEDGE!


Oh, and while I'm complaining (whilst being a cheap jerk), what happened to PBS?

It used to be good programming, and during the TWO pledge drives per year they had, it was even BETTER programming.

NOW it's a bunch of New Age, I'm scared to get old INFORMERCIALS, during pledge drives, like, ONCE OR TWICE a MONTH!

Aagh; you're a HEDGE!


I am not sure on what has happened to PBS to be honest with you about that. Yes it seems that all of the networks are altering their programming to satisfye the younger generations instead of the ones who have been watching the channel for many years now.

I thought that I would let you know that Rhonda Shear loved my idea about a E! True Hollywood Story on USA UP ALL NIGHT! She recommended that all of us USA UP ALL NIGHT fans email and write into E Network for them to do something like this since USA UP ALL NIGHT was ground breaking for USA Network during the 80's and almost through the whole 90's. There was only 2 years left in the 90's when USA UP ALL NIGHT went off the air in 1998.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!



Aagh; you're a HEDGE!


Yes that is cool in my opinion and Rhonda loved the idea about it.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!

