SFX Question...

The scene in the film where Shing punches Mark in the nose and all the blood comes shooting out. Does anyone know how they did this? I can't figure it out. Blood capsules or small squibs wouldn't work in the nostrils, would they? It seems like any other technique would be visible to the camera.


I think Chow Yun-Fat had the liquid blood in his mouth and blew it out his nose.


I think he really punched him, and it's real blood.



i have special collectors edition of this movie and in extras chow yun fat tells how they did it...(im not good in english, try to understand :) he bend hes head back and then they put that red liquid in hes nose, it didnt flow out because hes head was bend little back (and they propably hold somenthing in front of hes noseholes). then he started to draw little air with hes nose so the liquid didnt flow out when he bended hes head straight. when hes head was in right position he blowed little air with hes nose so the red liquid spurt out.
