Packard's gang

was wack. You mean to tell me no one in this town could stand up to these losers who usually had the one knife? Come on.


LOL man I totally agree, I was just watching this movie the other night on STFY and I was like are you fcking kidding me! I could take on all those punks myself and the leader of the gang seem like a pretty boy wanna be tough guy, chasing behind a woman that clearly dont want his a## lol


Hahaha. Yeah me and Floridaoutlaw must have watched the same SYFY broadcast. I checked it out because my dad said it was awesome (he was my age, 27, when it came out) and I heard it inspired The Crow.

Packard andhis gang came off like a bunch of dumb pussies. In the opening scene, when he pulls over that guy, threaten his girl and make him race for his car, I was just thinking if I pulled my pistol out of my glove compartment, stepped out and gunned them all down... shortest movie ever.

I know switchblade knives look cool but they are tiny, flimsy knives. And his gang all seemed like retards.


You mention pulling out your pistol and waxing these guys. I guess it depends on the commitment to actually pulling that trigger. I carry on a regular basis and I've had to show the potential to use force on a couple of occasions. On all 3 occasions the other people backed down. I nearly used a shot to disable a vehicle at one point but I flagged down a sheriff instead. I won't use violence unless absolutely necessary. Also, if you are a US citizen, you don't have the rights that you think you have. So be cautious and cover your ass if you choose to go that route. But always be prepared and use the law to your advantage.


That was just the beginning of my questions. Maybe things are different in Arizona than they are in the south, but around here an ass like Packard would have been gutted by Keri's counterpart if the constant threat of a beating by her dad, brothers, cousins and/or friends did not keep him away. Apparently his murderous activities were not common knowledge but he was still a rapist which is enough for numerous regular beatings if he managed to avoid jail and was too stupid to leave town.

Also, do any of these kids actually have parents?


It was the 80's, times were a lot different back then. Plus, Packard and his gang mostly dealt with teenagers.


Packard (Nick Cassavetes) is 6'6.5". Skank seemed like a tough guy for sure. So did the guy with the bandana (Augie)?


The only thing tough about Skank was his inhuman tolerance to paint fumes and industrial lubricants.

These were some pitiful excuses for gangstas, even by 80s stadards. But still... Some morbid curiosity within me would still like to see a prequel, explaining their rise to power.


so which one of the gang was the best racer?


I hear what you're all saying about Packard's gang being whack and weak. But if Packard's gang went around carrying guns and shooting at people, the movie would've been over in no time because Sheriff Loomis would've arrested them much earlier on for stuff like that.
In a sense, Packard's gang had to be careful how they handle certain situations and it would've been dumb for them to wave guns around. That's why Skank stops Packard from shooting the Turbo Interceptor when it's driving towards them. Skank argues there's an audience around with Rughead and the cops are probably watching them from afar and it'd be considered attempted murder.

And like one other person mentioned, Packard and his gang were a bit older than the teenage kids they preyed on. They probably felt they didn't need guns to handle unsuspecting teenage kids driving around Arizona roads at night since Packard had strength in numbers with his gang. Most high school kids in the 1980's driving around at night probably aren't carrying guns on them. Maybe nowadays that's the case, but probably not back in 1986.

I think from a story telling standpoint, the writers did a good job with making Packard's gang seem intimidating given the environment they're in. It's not like Packard's gang was preying on full grown adults. They were preying on unsuspecting teenagers, hence them hanging around Big Kay's burger joint and the river/lake place with all of the kids. You could see that's why Packard's gang gets nervous when they're around Loomis and the police.


Very well stated. We know this gang would last very long in Compton, but you explain why they intimidate the Arizona scene well. I think also that while the gang was not huge, probably no one person could win in a fight against Packard, and it would take a group effort to defeat the bullies. And that was something maybe no one wanted to bother with or try.


Yeah it's so easy to say "I could do that" after watching cops..After watching how a lawyer defends his client..After watching a firefighter put out a fire. That being said, saying that you would "take out your pistol" and shoot Packard's men is along the same lines. Once that bullet leaves the gun, unless you miss, your life will never be the same again. Granted each state is different regarding gun laws, but you have to be in fear for your life and/or your families life in order to shoot someone. However I'm 100% behind the fact that if someone breaks into your home you have the right to defend it. No matter what! If like in Packard's case it was clearly a no brainer. Just ask yourself this, what if the kid in the Daytona was black? Lol
And to whoever said that they "carried" , well I think you're either full ofS hit or you need help!
