Featured in Hot Rod

If any of you catch Hot Rod, you'll notice the poster for this long forgotten movie in Kevin's (Jorma Taccone) room. Guess the Lonely Island guys are a fan of the Whoopee Boys lol.



Yea, I've never seen The Whoopee Boys but I saw the poster in Hot Rod tonight and was wondering if they were making fun of this movie by making a dorky character have the poster in his room or if they were giving a shout out to a movie that the like?


Also in the game Balderbash!

If you truly love Jesus copy and paste this in your signature


According to the audio commentary, they were given the option of putting up a poster for one of two obscure movies, and they chose The Whoopee Boys. So yes, to an extent they were making fun of the movie.

They did say that they went high and low to get a copy of the movie to watch it (they ended up having Paramount ship them a rough cut of the film, which was the only copy their archives could find), and the cast and crew watched it together. You couldn't tell if they genuinely liked the movie or not, because they were laughing a lot while they were talking about it.


Well they did also say in the audio commentary:

Jorma: It's too bad no one listening to this has seen 'The Whoopee Boys' though.
Andy: I don't know if I would say that's a bad thing.
Jorma: True.


yeah I saw that

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


I just came on here after watching that scene in "Hot Rod" just to check if it was a real movie or what....I gotta see this movie now.
