Where is Pee Wee Gaskins in cast?

How can you have a movie about the Tony Cimo / Rudolph Tyner case and not have a representation of Donald "Pee Wee" Gaskins? I would think that the man who actually carried out the unauthorized execution (by the state anyway) of Tyner would figure prominently in this story.


It is my understanding Pee Wee would not allow the producers to use his real name.
The "Lamar Sands" in the film is supposed to be Pee Wee. It is also my understanding that this movie is so far from actually happened, and how, that most people in the know became bored with the film in the first 10 minutes.


It is also my understanding that this movie is so far from actually happened, and how, that most people in the know became bored with the film in the first 10 minutes.

HUH!!!??? is it just me or can anyone make heads or tails out of that sentence? Maybe it can be translated into English at some point!
