Prince Concert tour 2004

Has anyone gone to see the Musicology Tour? I just went and it was awesome!!!!The man can play guitar like nobody's business and he is just so damn sexy!



I am going next month and I am sooooo excited!!!! Although I am dissapointed to hear about the loss of sexuality and cursing from the show.... that was the part I was looking forward to, maybe not so much the cursing, but you know... Anyway I know it's gonna be awesome! I am soooo anxious. I'll come back and let you know how great it was afterwards!




I saw Prince 2 nights in a row in Toronto July 27 and 28. It was the 2 best musical experiences of my life. It left me literally exhausted. I'm listening to the title song of this movie right now, it's fantastic. Also love "Scandalous" from Batman soundtrack. Prince rulez.


Saw him opening night in NYC. Amazing!
Saw him opening night in New Jersey. Outstanding!

But then I saw him closing night in D.C. Blew the first two shows away!



Ahh I hate it to live in Holland right now! I hope that he comes to here very soon cause I've never seen a concert from him live, and I know he's an outstanding artist, especially live.


I have been listening to an excellent bootleg from San Jose 2004 lately. This is my first Prince 'live' concert experience. Now I am sorely missing his show that came to my town last year. If he ever comes back, I will be there.

And yes, there is no cussin' in his live show, but there IS plenty of sexuality. I would not let my kid listen to my bootleg recording because it gets too sexual.

Awful good cereal flakes Mrs. McDonough!


I was able to get 6th row seats for the Jam of the Year tour but it turned out even better. It was the year my vision began to fade but I was still able to see several feet in front of me but my peripheral vision was fading fast. I had my cane or else I could not get around but I also had a sighted guide with me.

The guards allowed me to stand at the front down in front of the stage where I could actually see him perform throughout the concert. He probably never remembers because of so many concerts but.. during the show he looked directly into my eyes, smiled, and tilted his head forward as if to say hello.

That was the best night of my life. I waited over 16 years to see this man in concert then when he finally came nearby, I was losing my sight. Thanks to his security and the security of the theater, my dream came true in more ways than one. I could hear the concert, I could see Prince on stage, and I was closer than anyone else as I was alone except for the guards right at the stage, and he looked right at me while singing then gave me the nod of hello and that bright sexy smile.

I will never forget the memory of that night even when I am in total darkness. I still retain some vision now but it is nowhere near what I had back then. It's more a few inches of sight rather than several feet. My peripheral is nearly gone completely. So, for giving me the night of my life, I am thankful... The music was great, his performance was slamming, and the night was magical!


nice story paisley1


That was a great tour! Only time I've actually seen him in person.. saw the Dallas show and he brought Erykah Badu up on stage (she lives in Dallas), he was in great form

or maybe not, lol


It was a great tour be came to Oklahoma City.
