A must see

I saw the movie when it first came out and I was 12 and it just, well I do not know the right words because I was amazed, surprised, happy etc. I just got a kick out of it. Mys oldest sister had a maroon Pacer, my father almost bought my mother a Chrysler conv.like the one in the movie (except she wanted wood panels, glad he divorced her) . and I grew up on the Talking Heads. This movie should be seen by anyone who wants to get into the movie industry. It makes both fun of the people but it embraces the people and their lives and no matter if you are from a po-dunk town or a big city WE all know these people. No matter the year it comes through.

"All year long you have been calling him Bob, his name's not Bob, it's Bob, "Bo." ,"Bo"!


It's difficult to get a copy today, especially outside of Region 1.
If people knew a Talking Heads feature movie existed there might be sufficient demand for a new release, hopefully worldwide.
But Warner Brothers would need to do some promotion, which is risk, which I think they don't want to take.
