MovieChat Forums > TerrorVision (1986) Discussion > The most horrific thing about it is the ...

The most horrific thing about it is the acting. Oh GOD the acting

This movie should win an award for bad acting. The acting in the movie is worse than Kill Bill. It's " shoot yourself in the face " bad. I saw it when I was a kid and didn't know the name of it until just now when I watched it, and wow, didn't remember the acting being THAT bad

Aside from that, it's pretty unique for an 80's cult sci fi horror comedy movie. Imagine Little Shop of Horrors, Gremlins, Purple People Eater, and Garbage Pail Kids all rolled into one. Definitely 80's American cult, and it reaks of the era. Surprised it was never an NES game.

And the theme song is astonishingly kick ass


Chad Allen was nominated for a Young Artist Award for Exceptional Performance by a Young Actor Starring in a Feature Film - Comedy or Drama. LOL, who judges these things?


Sangmo Frond was a co-producer w/o credit. Too bad. We love his farts.

What is the sound an imploding pimp makes?


I think the acting was suppose to be that way; campy, exagerated, over-the-top.



The acting was intential camp as said above.

Chad Allen had steady work in TV during those years which are totally different than how he portrayed "Sherman" in TerrorVision.

He and the other actors were obviously acting the parts as scripted and directed, that's what makes the movie pretty cool...sort of like a bad horror comic coming to life I think is what they were going for.


Yeah, it's typical eighties exploitation fare. I remember seeing the trailer for this film in a movie theater. It's hard to believe that a film like this was actually released in a theater. Of course today, it would go directly to DVD.

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Direct-to-DVD is becoming a little too costly nowadays. They have to FIND stores to stock them in. Soon they all would opt for Direct-to-Netflix Streaming. No costs to make DVDs, or find stores to place stock into.

Which this movie just did a few months ago.


My response:

It seems to be the trend nowadays. I guess that will also mean that the few DVDs that do come out will not have all those extra features. I'm not sure I like this , but the masses dictate what the trends will be.

BTW, a side benefit of this trend is that VHS and DVDs will become more collectible and personal collections will become more valuable as the format becomes more rare.

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by KidVidGames 1 hour ago (Sun Feb 27 2011 14:42:24) Ignore this User | Report Abuse

Direct-to-DVD is becoming a little too costly nowadays. They have to FIND stores to stock them in. Soon they all would opt for Direct-to-Netflix Streaming. No costs to make DVDs, or find stores to place stock into.

Which this movie just did a few months ago.

If you love and support Michael Jackson 100%, copy & paste this into your signature. We love MJ!


I've seen a lot of bad acting in films, but not in this one. This is a campy, over-the-top farce, and the performances are appropriate to the tone of the film.

Everyone also looks like they're having fun and not embarrassed by it. What's not to love?


Have said and totally agree. Not for everyone, but everyone with taste!


This was camp at its finest in B Horror Comedies back in the mid-80s. Had this on VHS to just escape and laugh my ass off at the cornball nature of the movie. It was never to be taken seriously.


it was ment to be bad.. the movie itself was a parody of the cheesy B movies that were born for weekend, latenight viewing of the past..

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Long live October 31st
So sayeth, the Kings of Halloween


The purposefully histrionic acting was one of the single most enjoyable aspects of this film.

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