
i just saw this movie on showtime but i didnt understand the ending, who was the guy asleep in the car at the end and that girl behind him? did the little boy and his sister get eaten???


Let me explain what happened. The alien trying to trap/kill the monster was killed by Medussa, and since the kid couldnĀ“t make the alien`s gun work-the monster ate them all. The guy in the car was Medussa`s driver, who was wating for her to leave "the party" she was at. He obviously fell asleep waiting, and the monster, which was mutating,(taking the shape of one of the people it ate, in this case Medussa,) tapped him on the shoulder. I thought it was pretty obvious.


really? thanks for the reply, i thought maybe that girl was suzy behind the driver, i could see all that slime all over the girl, it was a really weird ending along with that music with the end credits.



What kind of ending did you want?
Did you really want the monster to die? No way! He'll survive and get on Medusa's TV show and go through other peoples' tvs.


I watched the ending also and I assumed that was what happened. I totally understood the part in the car, but I was not sure the kids died. I gues they must have been eaten.
