MovieChat Forums > Tenkû no shiro Rapyuta (1991) Discussion > Laputa is NOT based on a Howls Moving Ca...

Laputa is NOT based on a Howls Moving Castle sequel.

Just to clear up a certain ammount of confusion that seems to have arisen.
Laputa: The flying Island/Castle in the sky was originally released in 1986, the same year Howl`s Moving Castle was written. Castle in the Air, Diana Wynne Jones` sequel was not published until 1990.
Incidently, rumor has it that she`s working on another book in which Howl appears.



why would anyone think so to begin with?



I kind of wondered that after I finished reading Howl's Moving Castle, seeing that the sequel was called Castle in the Air, but I went to Amazon and quickly found out it was not. Just a coincidence I suppose.

Ok, but dogs CAN look up!


Laputa is NOT based on a Howls Moving Castle sequel.

Its probably today's generaton of young anime fans and those that get their facts wrong, making that mistake!

If they're new to the experience of watching a Miyazaki film and see the visual comparison in his animations and watch various films of his out of order of production sequence i.e. from miyazaki's other films and year of release etc, then they're bound to make that mistake and also assume Laputa came afterwards.

Doesn't help that despite is several showings on TV and at film festivals around the world for years, that Disney aquired the film rights and released Laputa several years ago in theaters/cinemas after Howls Moving Castle or at the same time? Even though it had its American voiceover cast redub a western voicetrack version in the late 90's or so. And has only now gotten around to releasing it on DVD/Blu-Ray. Howls Moving Castle came out 5 plus years ago, so to many not so familar with Miyazaki's films and the order inwhich they come in, they'll make that simple mistake quite easily is all. Howls Moving Castle shares many design aspects with Laputa in terms of its production animation wise! But i kind of thought when it first came out, that it was some kind of Laputa sequel in retrospect or off shoot of somekind, but as an adult you'd know to enquire about it as a movie, and thus it soon became apparent what it was.

Like all Miyazaki films, its got its own unique story seperate from the others.

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