Mandy Patinkin

Of the performances in Disney's dub, Mandy's, as well as Richard Dysart's Uncle Pom, is one of the least discussed of the dub. He plays one of Dola's three sons, Louie. Just in case you're wondering whom I'm talking about, Louie is the guy who has the small moustache, as well as the first to approach Sheeta when he asks to help her. There isn't much depth to his performance, admittingly, but there doesn't have to be. All that Mandy has to do is have fun with his character, and he does just that. I've heard some say that his performance is awful since he has no vocal experience, but I disagree completely. He brings a lot of energy to his character and also provides an interesting quirk. When he approaches Sheeta, he is obviously shy and nervous, while Charles is more forward. I like this touch, as it gives him more character than the Japanese version.
