MovieChat Forums > Tenkû no shiro Rapyuta (1991) Discussion > Castle in the Sky - The best score of al...

Castle in the Sky - The best score of all the Ghibli Movies?

The score on this movie is amazing, finishing with the theme over the end credits is just mind blowing.

Don't you cry for Johns. Don't you dare.


I would definitely agree about all aspects of the score, both on the original and Disney-upgraded versions. The compositions are rich and melodious and the ending theme is lovely, too. And of course, it's interesting to notice the differences between the orchestrations on the two different dubs--there are some subtle changes on certain tracks while others, like the destruction of Laputa at the end of the movie, sound more moving and tragic with the full orchestra backing the previously accapella choir. Naturally, purists will argue that such an addition was unnecessary given that the scene was originally scoreless to begin with, but personally, I think either version of the score is perfectly complimentary to the movie. At least Disney didn't hire somebody like Tangerine Dream to give the movie a rock and roll soundtrack (like what happened with LEGEND); now THAT would have been blasphemous! Here they just contacted the original composer, who had originally wanted LAPUTA scored orchestrally to begin with, and gave him the budget to do so. Listening to the new score only showcases how far Hisaishi has come since he first wrote the original. Either way, it's a classic score.

-Jon T.


I see it the opposite way: there are things that I don't like in either score. Some, not all, but some additions in the Disney version are just too much. Like when they were flying into the cloud, there was a point when I really think dead silence is necessary; Hisaishi nailed it the first time, and I really don't see why would he want to change that. I do appreciate an artist's effort to challenge himself...good try, but the old way was better. I also do not like the extra 4-second-addition in the new main them (The Girl who Falls from the Sky) at all.
For the old score, I really can’t stand synthesizer music; it is so 80s and isn’t something that can last long, unlike a traditional orchestra. Hisaishi also redid some minor harmonic progressions in the new score, which I think are all much better.


Whoops, sorry. Double post.

-Jon T.


I agree that the Castle In The Sky score is amazing but I love the Princess Mononoke score way more.


For me, the score was weakened by the incredibly uninventive main theme. It's a completely generic melody that anyone could have thought up in 2 seconds, not to mention the boring harmonic progression. Other than that, though, the score was pretty effective, especially the army's leitmotif.


Agreed. The Castle in the Sky score was well done, but I feel that Princess Mononoke is much more full and developed, especially in thematic material.



Yes. As gorgeous as pretty much every other Hisaishi score is, this is just flawless.


ending tune is unbeliavably good


It's hard to pick a favourite, as all Hisaishi scores are amazing, but I would agree this is one of the best, definitely in my top 3.


yup, princess mononoke and only yesterdays soundtrack were quite good as well.

country road

..dont try to get tough with a keyboard


Laputa and Mononoke have two of the greatest soundtracks I've ever heard, and they make me want to cry just listening to them.

But the ending song in Laputa is my absolute favorite because it's a child's dream, a love song, and a song full of inspiration, all at the same time.


I don't know about best overall score, but Laputa has two things going for it:

#1 - Best theme melody: The Castle in The Sky theme is gorgeous, bittersweet, absolutely beautiful.

#2 - Best ending song. Kimi o Nosete is so wonderful.


Mononoke Hime has the best score out of the movies.

"Questions Questions too many questions, want shard here!"-The Dark Crystal


I don't think it has the best musical score for all the Ghibli movies. I thought Spirited Away had a better score. If you just look at the music, they are all just heart-warming and real.

Sonic will be hearty forever.
"Mom, could I get one of these?" - Little Girl


I love the theme from Laputa, so I started playing this on my keyboard. I learned the song and then recorded it. It is the end song played on piano.

Sorry I don't know how to make a link so you will have to cut and paste.




Many people don't think it was a good early effort. For many people it's the best score Joe Hisaishi has ever written. And BTW, it's not electronic.


No, I really think that has to go to Howls Moving Castle. That is the best in my humble opinion
