Pretty similar to NaTHaT

It's pretty simmilar to an anime called Here and there Now and then. Both of them are really good. If you like this anime, you should watch that one.


I don't know if I'd call LAPUTA or NTHT similar in many ways. Even if the show also has a girl with a pendant, it's a very depressing, bleak, and sometimes mean-spirited story. Which isn't to say it's bad by any means. I thought it was well done, but boy is it depressing. CASTLE IN THE SKY is much more lighthearted by comparison, even if it has some serious moments as well.


It's true, they have differences. But, as I see it, both boys are a little dumb, but brave and reliable. Both girls are being hunted by her abilities and not exactly them, but their thalisman, which have the power to became a huge weapon that can control the world.

Laputa's target is wider, contrary NTHT that needs a more mature perspective to get the message.


I really cant condone recommending NaTHaT just because someone liked Castle in the Sky. They're pretty different, besides the fact that both have young male + female main characters and both have someone looking for 'world domination'.

Laputa deals with a group that doesn't really want to live in the current reality and seeks to regain the glory of their ancestors, it's not too violent or graphic. Decisions are pretty simple in this one.

NaTHaT deals with a total psychopath who is bent on controlling everything and making life as miserable as possible by getting control of all the water in a desert world. NaTHaT deals with extremely mature themes such as rape, torture, slavery, genocide, and the mindset of a soldier fighting for an unjust commander. Extremely tough decisions are made throughout.

bottom line:
castle in the sky is a family film, great for everyone and extremely well made
NaTHaT is for a mature audience only, will probably only be liked by anime fans, and is pretty good but not great


First of all, LaPuta is an adult film that can be enjoyed by children. So, I guess a person looking for simalirities isn't a child. But, that's just a guess.

NaTHaT is the description of a never ending story of human using resources in this case the girl is the key for a huge change that can change the destiny of humanity, in Laputa the girl is the key for a huge change.


I wonder if Miyazaki would say different about it being an adult film, though I agree it's best for adults. Still, just because you're an adult doesn't make you want to watch the extreme themes in can't possibly ignore that. Listing similarities while ignoring such a fact is just blatant ignorance.

In Laputa the girls necklace is key, otherwise she's an ordinary girl. In NaTHaT the girl isn't a girl, she's the ocean itself and is sick and tired of humans.

Laputa is the story of technology and nature, and what people would do with that technology.
NaTHaT is about natural resources and corrupt military.

You've successfully convinced me that they have even less similarities then I initially thought.


You can't honestly call it "an adult film"?
