Release the bunny picnic!

Release this for me to buy in england, for the love of god!

My mum desperately wants it, I taped it off TV and watched it until it broke. I desperately want it, along with the incredible special they made to honour Jim Henson after he died. My sister desperately wants it, to prevent her own 2 and 4 year old being brought up on vile saccharine crap, the stuff disney churns out these days.

A video of it was on e-bay, it reached 40 quid, people in this country are crying out for bean bunny, pickled parsnips and Mr Dee Dop De Diddly Dog Bark.

Please muppet people, you have this, please share it...For me and all of my family, I can guarantee sales of at least 3 copies the first minute it is released.

Don't make me live a life without bean, my nephew is 4, don't let him grow up without it.

People who post on message boards think irony is where Ironians come from


I had a copy that i had taped from the tv that i watched till it broke too. I was so desperate to watch it again that i forked out £58 for a 1986 original vhs from £58 ive spent in a long time. Maybe you should put a post on the kids and family message board and see if there's anyone willing to part with their copy!!


Totally agree! I've always kept an eye out for it since my sister & I cried our eyes out as our 1980's VCR mangled the tape (we even made my Dad try to repair it with sticky tape)!

Twenty years later and I've now got a 3-year old. I just want him to be able to join in with me and his Aunty singing "Hop, hop, hop, hop".

Ok, ok , it's me that wants it really. Apperently the original was a collaboration with the BBC - can't believe they'd miss out on such a HUGE marketing opportunity!!!


You're telling me...of course the part I always loved most was when all the bunnies were backing up Bean as he faced the farmer, I just love the song they sing but I can't figure out for the life of me what the last part of it is, like when the song starts to reach a climax and you see all the bunnies raising their fists as they corner the farmer. I tell you if they'd put this out on DVD I'd buy at least 3 copies, one for myself, one for the library, and one for the video store.


I'm backing this campaign all the way! My VHS copy is intact, but only just. And it's got 2 minutes of Gardeners World in the middle (thanks Mum!).

Who do we campaign to? Where do we shout Long Live Bean (and his very sticky paws).


Have you tried
I got a VHS copy for about 50p plus p+p it was NTSC but most VCRs can cope with NTSC.


I've wanted to have this to keep since I was nine or ten years old - I'm 30 now, dammit!


I SO AGREE WITH ALL OF U! MY TAPE ISNT WORKING ANYMORE! Its on you tube now for those of you that wanna see it!!! I LUV THIS SPECIAL AND ALL OF JIM HENSON'S WORK SO MUCH!! HE TRULY WAS A GENIUS THAT'L NEVER BE FORGOTTEN!!! The Muppets,Bunnie Picnic,Fraggle Rock are golden memories of my child hood!!! Id rather watch things from my childhood than the garbage they put out for kids today!!!


I loved this! I wish they's release it on DVD in the UK - I can't understand why it hasn't been repeated at Easter time.


Im so glad im not alone in wanting this to be re-released. For years i've been trying to get a hold of an affordable copy of this. Thankfully some people still have it so I make do with watching a poor quality copy online
I also had it taped off tv along with some other classic stuff like Dot & the Kangaroo, Tommy the Tuba, The Little Convict but sadly all those tapes broke or were taped over (bloomin football or boxing thanks to dad & my big bro.


Me too! I loved it when it was first on and it's NEVER repeated in Britain - we still talk about it in our family and would love to have it on DVD.

I can't understand why it's not available.


It hasn't been on TV in the United States in many years. I still have a VHS tape of it but want a DVD for the grand kids. Why won't Disney release it??
