Total biased crap.

I want to see a movie that shows what Israel's state funded terrorism is all about. Should make a movie about Israeli soldiers spreading their feaces on Palestinian house holds.



In other words you want to see some Paliwood fantasy featuring what Woody Allen coined as the Eastern European Jew, complete with hoofs and horns.


Although the term Paliwood is hilarious, the town run by SKG, CAA, Disney, and the ADL certainly won't make a film sympathetic to the PLO...

Also, no thinking person equates opposition to Israeli policy with anti-Semitism. It's like reading "China should respect human rights" as code for, "I hate Chinese people."


And a thinking man thinks Jews run Hollywood? Yeah, sure, anti-semitism has nothing to do with opposition to Israel.


Not only is sigsrfun right, but to further point out the pointlessness of doctor-octagon's post, I'll remind y'all that some of the companies mentioned (most notoriously, Disney) are not only run by non-Jews, but were quite reluctant to hire stars widely known as Jews. I think for Disney, their first movie star whose last name is evidently Jewish was Woopi Goldberg... in a movie all about how great the (Christian) Church can be.

Also, opposition to Israeli policy is often times a cover for opposition to Israel's existence. It shouldn't be, but it very often is. And that, doctor-octagon, is anti-Semitism.

I used to have a , but damnit do I want a !


The often obsessive nature of "opposition to Israeli policies" often makes it seem as if something else is behind it. Lots of countries that are far worse in terms of human rights are barely on the radar of "activists" or whatever you might call them.

Oh, and to the dude that wants to make that feces-smearing movie, I'd be happy to mail you some props that you can use in your production.


You can't be opposed to Israel's existence for the fact that it's pushed thousands of Palestinians off their land regardless of religion? Notice I said Israelis and Palestinians, not Jews and Muslims.


The poster that implied that Disney is actually anti-semitic in some aspects is quite correct.

I guess jews were a big shot in Hollywood of the old days. Most screenwriters and studio executives were jewish or descendant of jews. Not anymore. Even Spielberg doesnt seem like a jewish moviemaker anymore. The same can be said about George Lucas.


What a total lie. How about showing real footage of Palestinians murdering Israelis and proudly showing their bloodied hands to the cameras or how about those "freedom fighters" who butcher Israeli children and are praised by the Palestinian television. Yeah, take your filthy lies and crawl under the rock you've been hiding under.


If there is state-funded terrorism its Palestinian one, funded by Iran and EU.


I'm going to guess you haven't actually watched the film. By the end of it, the main character comes to the conclusion that Mossad isn't actually advancing any struggle for peace with its revenge killings, but making things worse, something his father had been suggesting all along.


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