This is the best movie ever made!

This is the best movie ever made. It is my all-time favorite movie


How.... DARE you?

Choose your weapon sir!

Forget everything you just read, and go back to sleep.


How dare I what


I dont know about best film ever made but it was a very good light star trek film. The comedy was perfect without being silly and the story was very good.


That's cool, man! Tis a great movie... although not my all timer. First contact, is prob my fave Trek movie. But tbh i love em all. Halfway through, The Voyage Home... as i type... for about the 6th time. ;)


Boy, OP, you are in for a treat whenever you see A Bug's Life and Starship Troopers! 


I love it too! A fresh and fun way to look at the characters, while again letting Kirk save the universe!


I definitely think that it is one of the best movies ever. I can still remember the first time I saw it. What I liked about it so much was that the whole movie was so good. With most movies that I like, there are parts of the movie that I like better than others. There are certain scenes that stand out and parts that drag and make me wish I could fast forward through, but with this movie, I had no favorite part. It was all good.

 


In my own opinion, quite possibly the best Star Trek movie.

I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested
