Better than Gravity




You Discuss...


Should have put this on the Gravity board really...

Okay, I shall discuss. I felt that Gravity had no real plot. Sandra Bullock's character was useless. The symbolism was very heavy handed. George Clooney was George comment. Two amazing actors in these roles would have lifted the film, but overall I was very disappointed as I really loved Children of Men. Expected great things of Gravity. The special effects, admittedly were a bit better than Spacecamp.

Remember Spacecamp, however, very fondly: Going for the oxygen/morse code/White Sands! It was a fun, exciting kids movie. Think I'm going to have to stream it.


I lived on a military base during the Challenger explosion and the release of SpaceCamp. Therefore, both of these events are kinda burned into my head. I remember SpaceCamp being taboo and nobody really talked about it. I don't even think SpaceCamp was shown in the military theater and the military theater wasn't exactly picky about the quality of the movies it showed.

But anyhow, I saw both Gravity and SpaceCamp, and SpaceCamp is far more memorable to me. I hardly remember any major scenes from Gravity even though Gravity was technologically "better." And it was SpaceCamp that inspired me to master the Atari 2600 game "Space Shuttle: A Journey Into Space." Damn that game was complex for an Atari 2600. "Space Shuttle" was right up there with "Robot Odyssey" in forcing players to educate themselves and work hard mentally to teach themselves something new to master the game.


Agree. Gravity was okay. That's it.

Space camp is memorable for good and bad reasons. okay, mainly bad but that's not for the want of trying, the dialogue is great for a movie set in space in the 80s. Space camp has become a part of lore.



I'm the saddle.



Just seen SpaceCamp for the 1st time(as well as hearing Eric Clapton's Forever Man for the 1st time) and I had a blast watching it in HD on my 50". Great Movie, surprised I missed this gem as a kid, I was only 3 1/2 yrs old when this was first released, although I do remember seeing Transformers: The Movie in theaters that same summer.

On a ending note, its very sad about the Shuttle challenger incident, I was too young to remember. Bless the hearts of those families that lost their loved ones.

The War has only begun, will you defend your destiny?


I'd say: on the same level.

But WAY better than "Interstellar".


Yep, it was. The whole of Gravity was like watching the ending of a film spread out of over 2 hours. A real POS.

Cause we're tired of being your trail donkeys! Acting like you some one-man GPS!


I agree completely. This movie was vastly more enjoyable that Gravity.


I agree completely. This movie was vastly more enjoyable that Gravity.
