Ending song

The last song in the movie when they are playing around in the water is "Love Will Set You Free" by Smokey Robinson. It only seems to be available on records. Does anyone know where to get the cd, or an mp3 of this song? Or does anyone have it that they could share?


Any luck?


nope, not yet...


i saw the movie again on encore action I forgot to set up my vcr grrr. I'm also looking for the song too and no luck grrrrrrrrrrr again. I'm not giving up though.



I love that song and have looked for it for a long time, but never found it :(


I have the song. It was hard to find, but I was able to find a copy of it. Sounds really good.



I watched this movie for the 1st time in like, 20+ year on this network. I was like WTF!? I don't remember this Smokey Robinson song! Apparently it was on the soundtrack for the film, and that was only released in Canada (if you believe what Wikipedia says). It's a great song, and apparently very rare as Amazon does not list it at all. Strange times the 80's was. Anyone remember Eddie Murphy's 'Party All the Time'?


Hi my name is Rebecca, and I have been looking a long time for this song as well. How did you get it, I looked everywhere? If you have it would you be able to share it with me?



Hi my name is Rebecca and I have been looking for this song for 10 years. Any way you can down load it to me? If so please, my email is [email protected]. This song is such a great song, its just that you can't find it on any of Smokey Robinson CD's.




Ok---random! I found it on youtube. The title here is in spanish, but this is it!! I don't know how to get a recording off youtube though.



There is software out there that will copy what ever audio happens to be playing on your computer at the time.
