Not the worst movie ever

I don't know why so many people hate Shanghai Surprise, because I've seen movies that are far worse, and far more boring than this. I actually thought Madonna gave a decent performence. Yes, I'm a fan of hers, but I actually hate most of her films (the only ones I like are Dick Tracy, Desperately Seeking Susan, A League of Their Own, Who's That Girl, and to an extent Shanghai Surprise...the rest are dire).

But really, this movie is slated far too much. I think the main reason people hate it is because it's Madonna, and because of the fact that she and her then-husband were the stars. If it had starred anyone else other than Madonna and Sean, I don't think it would've been as badly receieved as it has been.


The best thing was the theme tune.


You have got to be kidding me. Madonna is one of my favorite actresses of all time and yes, I said actress, not singer, and Shanghai Surprise is so bad it hurts. It is boring. Grainy. Disgusting. Bad acting. Horrible plot. It is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. For you to put this in one of her "best of..." categories, is outrageous. Body of Evidence & Dangerous Game take the prize as her finest movies, both performance and the films themselves. Bloodhounds of Broadway, The Next Best Thing, Swept Away, and her cameo in Die Another Day (one of the only good things about that movie) feature fantastic performances as well. Dick Tracy is wonderful. A League of Their Own is fantastic. Who's That Girl is one of her funnier and more lighthearted performances. But for you to say this movie is at all enjoyable is like telling a child to go play in traffic. You should be arrested.

to drench your skin in lover's rosy stain...


It's my opinion and I'm entitled to it. There's no need to attack me just because you don't agree.


It's my opinion and I'm entitled to it.

It was not just your "opinion." You also attempted to second-guess the "opinions" of people who dislike this film. Thus you deserve to be attacked.


LMAO. sensitive MADONNA fans........ basically this is like when she f!@#ed guy ritchie to get in SWEPT AWAY. or like F!@#ing that french Basquit bloke to get ahead in the "underground" looser NYC scene in the late 80s.... typical WHORE behaviour.........


No Message


I'm sorry, but I wasn't attacking anyone. I was just stating that maybe some people were a little too close-minded upon the movie's release because it was a pop-star-turning-actress type film. Saying something like that isn't an attack at all, it's just a thought. I'm not stating that's the truth, just what I think could possibly be part of the reason this movie bombed so badly. I'm not saying it's her best movie, or even a great movie...just that it's not the most horrible movie of all time, IMHO.

As for my favourite Madonna movie, Desperately Seeking Susan and Dick Tracy get my vote. :-)


Actually, I think this is a pretty bad move, but I like it anyway...don't ask me why. For me, it's one of those movies that you know is bad but you still like. I didn't so much think the acting was bad as the plot and script. It had a rather decent cast. So yes, it's bad but I like it.



I've never fully understood why people criticised this movie with so much venom. OK, so it's not brilliant but it has a certain charm to it that was so typical of 80's movies.

I watched it again last night before I came on here to post and I am more than happy to say that I really like it. And I do think that it has more to do with 'hating' Madonna movies in the professional critics eyes than the film actually being bad. I'm going to dig out a cutting I had from the 80's (that's now in my attic) that actually liked the movie. Then the same critic panned it after the backlash appeared in the papers from his 'peers'.

It's a bit like the Hudson Hawk syndrome. That was slated in the press and magazines at the time yet when it was re-released on DVD these same people began giving it 5 stars. And before people argue, they did indeed do that. Even now when it appears in lists of movies the critics are often quoted saying they don't understand how it did so badly.

My view: I never pay attention to the critics. Unless they climb in my head and know what I will and won't like then their words aren't worth the time it took for them to write them. I just find their whole profession pointless. It's not possible to guess what an entire world will think of a film. And to be honest, who is any one person to say, "It's rubbish, give it a miss." If I'd listened to them for one second I'd have missed some fabulous films that are now on my Top 10 list of all time favourite movies. That's not to say they are incredible pieces of art, but who can guess what one person will love and one will hate. Use your own mind and pay no attention to these failed actors and directors that call themselves experts.

PS. And I really like the theme tune as well.



Only movie I ever walked out of....ever. I WANTED to walk out on Predator, when I thought I had been mislead into watching a war flick. :-)

No matter where you go, there you are!



I just purchased my brand-new DVD special edition. Yup. That';s right, it's got special features!!


I saw the trailor and Madonna looks like she's doing quite a good job as an actress. It looks great. Where can I get this on DVD in Melbourne?




Hey - don't mess with Swept Away, now.


I love this movie....its awesome...I don't watch it thinking it will be the Godfather or anything....I watch it as entertainment....
