All Hail Amazon.com!!!! I haven't been able to find the DVD in any Blockbuster in the Chicago area. I used to own the VHS, but it was lost 10 years ago... Thx to Amazon, I have it again!!!

It's been TEN YEARS since I last saw this movie!!! I can still recite Costanzo's whole phone conversation "I want you to get Gonzales, cuz Hughes and Costanzo, they don't pay me no more and I'm Maaaaadd"..

Ohhhhh Noooooooo

BTW, I'm in the James R Thompson Center daily (the building they shot up in the end of the movie w/ the glass elevators) and always think of Running Scared.


LMAO!!!! Great movie. I have a friend who perfectly still does the "Oh No!!! They don't pay me no more!!!" We still laugh about it. I also have Running Scared on DVD and watch it at least once a year. My wife at the time never did get much of a kick out of the movie. Maybe that's why she's now my ex-wife!!!!!
