Christian references?

There were at least two shots in the film depicting Christian literature in the city: one in the very beginning of the film and one kind of in the middle, both shots depicting wording something to the effect of "Jesus died for your sins," etc. Does anyone know why?




Other than those signs being as ubiquitous as check cashing stores in the rougher parts of Chicago?


Why Not?

He's taking the knife out of the Cheese!
Do you think he wants some cheese?



because the film is supposed to be called "Running Sacred". There was just a typo in the credits.

What the *beep* is a Chinese Downhill?!?


FYI a Chinese Downhill is just like a Cleveland Steamer but with more Bok Choy.

The name's....Dalton


As someone noted below, a lot of the movie was shot on State St. south of Congress. One of the long-standing "monuments" there is the Pacific Garden Mission, which has been helping the homeless and alcoholics for decades. They have a neon cross with "Jesus Saves" on it. They also used to produce a weekly radio drama called 'Unshackled' about people who had been saved from messed-up lives.


for the scene with the priest and the nun, perhaps.

Who invited E.T. -?
