Top billing...

As someone who was only 3 when this came out, I wanted to know if Gregory Hines was a bigger star than Crystal when released since he is given top billing on poster and credits. Gregory Hines had such an unusual and diverse career, but Billy Crystal has always seemed a bigger star in the years since. Just curious as I like them both.



Cool, that definitely explains it. Thanks.


Why deleted by admin?

Victims, aren't we all?


It's a long story. But the post said that, at that time, Gregory Hines just came off of White Nights and was in History of the World, Part I. Meanwhile, Billy Crystal was on Saturday Night Live and was only known for Soap and his standup routine before that. In fact, this was the very movie that launched his career. Just wish that career wouldn't have included Parental Guidance.

"Charlie, here comes the deuce. And when you speak of me, speak well."---Bull Durham


Thank you.

Victims, aren't we all?


I love parental guidance
