The Best British Film Ever!

If you are about to enrole onto a college course and you're unfortunate/stupid enough to enrole onto a media studies course than you have to basically then spend three-quarters of the entire course on studying how 'ethnic minorities' - (soon to be ethnic majorities) are portrayed differentely in various British films, such as East is East and Bhaji on the Beach which are both very unrealistic. Then you have to compare these to Bollywood films. They manage to get this tits-up mind because Bhaji on the Beach is actually about a family of Indians and East is East is about a family of Pakistanis. You could say 'what's the difference?'. In terms of culture quite a lot.

They should make students study realistic films like Rita, Sue and Bob Too as an example of supression of the British in the 1908s. Instead of multicultural fantasies for all.

This is the best British fil ever. I'd say Trainspotting comes close too.


Good shout.


I'd love to do film studies, well as long as we'd be studying interesting films lol.


It is a GREAT British film, but for me, I'd have to go with Withnail & I.


There are a number of excellent British films - what about Shane Meadows' "This is England"? Go back a couple of decades - "Kes". And moving away from gritty northern drama and into upper class fantasy, my favourite "Sir Henry at Rawlinson End".



Very dirty.


How about Raining Stones?




It's got some funny moments but nah. One of the most quotable? I'd say so.
