I remember fondly watching this show on television . It seemed that everyone that I knew watched it and the next day everyone on the radio from Howard Stern to Soupy Sales were talking about it. What everyone loved to point out was how unincredible it was that both Gomer and Goober were still pumping gas back at the old fillin station. On the last couple of seasons of "TAGS" they were sort of building Goober up you'd think that by now he'd be the Mayor or atleast own half the town. I'm glad that Gomer made it back from Vietnam in one piece.


Gomer more likely got himself discharged from the Marine Corps prior to seeing any action in 'Nam due to the then-militarity illegalities of his sexuality.

Okay folks, show's over, nothing to see here!


Gomer was normal while in the Marines though. Don't you remember, he was dating Lou Ann, that cute blonde with the terrible singing voice.


Gomer was normal while in the Marines though. Don't you remember, he was dating Lou Ann, that cute blonde with the terrible singing voice.

I was being facetious. Of course Gomer isn't gay, unlike his portrayer. Though some would still argue he was "in denial" by having Lou Ann as a girl friend on (apparently) a strictly platonic basis.

Okay folks, show's over, nothing to see here!


LOL...Back in those days, all relationships were platonic. Even married couples slept in twin beds. Then in the early '70s they finally started showing married couples sleeping in the same bed. I remember watching the Brady Bunch and thinking Florence Henderson is pretty hot. That Robert Reed sure is lucky. Nowadays they've gone too far the other way and leave nothing to the imagination.


WHOA! Let's not EVEN get started on Robert Reed!

Okay folks, show's over, nothing to see here!


As for Gomer's and LuAnn's relationhship: "platonic" or not, they never even kissed! I think this probably owes more to the likelihood that Nabors didn't want to go there.

Okay folks, show's over, nothing to see here!


LOL...That's true. Robbie Boy had it made and didn't appreciate it at all.
