OOP elite movies

can anyone tell me what oop elite is? I foolishly bid and won one of these on ebay and i dont even know what the @#$#@ it stands for


oop means original out of print. I dont know what elite means.


Elite Entertainment is a compagny who produce DVD (Re-Animator, Night Of The Living Dead, I Spit On Your Grave to name a few), but they have never released a DVD for Rawhead Rex (from what I know). Artisan/Pioneer did release a R1 DVD in 1999. I have bought mine on ebay for 70$ It have no bonus at all, not even a trailer, just scenes acces. The image quality was slighty better than a VHS and it's Full Screen.

I'm curious to have a link of the item you bought, it's probably a bootleg. Not a bad thing thought, considering the price of the original Artisan DVD and the lack of bonus.



nice assortment of movies, i've probably seen about 85% of those <sorry im to cheap to buy a 70$ movie> but there are some movies you should add to your list, Demon Wind
The Dead Hate the Living
"night of the demons" 1 2 and 3
